March 5, 2025
Friday, August 30, 2024
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Monday, August 19, 2024
FACT #30
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Before it was a fetish
It was just what I used
Out of respect.
Want to freak a sub out?
Call him Sir.
For me It has less to do
With Dominance and submission.
What It comes down to
Is respect.
As much as I get hard
When being called "Daddy"
It is "Sir" that hits way different.
Yes. “Sir”can be a form of fetish.
But before that,
It’s common respect.
“SIR” is a whole other level of respect.
And yes, there is a difference between
Sir, and SIR.
So much to say
So little space.
FACT # 28
FACT : 28
The greatest sex organ is the mind. If one isn't allowed inside one's head, getting in one's pants is fruitless for me.
I stress that because hot primitive sex has its place for me, sometimes as well.
There are "not so good" experiences, "alright" experiences and "outstanding." The experiences where both parties have taken the time to find out those hot buttons is what makes the chemistry fire for me.
Not saying a hot hook up can't happen. But taking time to discover how to drive your partner crazy: Priceless.
The sex was scorching hot. I was on top of boy G digging deep into his guts. I had discovered some key spots to hit that would drive him out of his mind and I was pushing the living fuck out of them.
"Oh Yes, yes, yes, yes!" he exclaimed as I slammed into him.
"This is your fucking hole."
"It's your hole. You can do whatever you want to it," he continued.
I declared, "This is my fucking hole. Look at my little hole."
We were getting our rut in deep.
And then the phone rang.
I stopped dead in my tracks. Usually I would have turned the phone off or just let it ring but just about four days prior, my father had taken ill so I had to have the phone near me.
My heart kind of stopped. I looked at the phone number. It was area code 206.
I knew exactly who it was. I'll call him MR. M
"Is this Mr. M?"
"Oh my gosh!"
"Mr. M, I totally apologize but can I call you a little later on? Are you doing okay?"
"Oh no!" I replied.
"Oh wow!"
"Can I call you tomorrow is that okay?"
"Okay then I will call you later tonight. What time is good for you?"
"Okay I will give you a call around 8:00pm."
"Okay, take care. Goodbye."
"You sound sad." boy Gabriel said.
I pulled up boy Gilbert's tank top to discover suction cups on his nipples.
"You know I never played with the suction cups. Do you just leave them on?"
"Yeah they make my nipples bigger and they're not too painful.....But my nipples can take a lot," he responded.
I didn't have him in the hood for long before I decided to use another form of sensory deprivation for his eyes.
First I got some footage of him with the hood on.
"This is my new boy: Boy Gilbert," I spoke into the camera.
"It is an honor Sir."
I continued,"He's horny. He's hungry; I think on both ends."
"Yes Sir!" He responded in his thick accent.
"And I love that fucking accent! Oh my gosh! So you said you're Lebanese?"
"Yeah, Lebanese from Lebanon."
"Do you speak the language?"
"Yeah I speak Arabic, French, The official language and then English."
Being the pervert that I am; I had him speak something dirty in his language. We shared a laugh and got back to business.
I took off the hood he was wearing and replaced it with a beanie that I felt was more appropriate.
It was a black beanie that had the word "Hole" written on it. I placed it on his head and pulled it down low enough to cover his eyes so he could not see.
"I appreciate you reading my blog......"
"It's very erotic. It's Nice. I didn't have a chance to read everything. The main points were nice," he said.
"Did you read about the ABC training?"
"Mmmm, No."
"No? Maybe I should introduce you."
"Do you know your ABCs?"
"Like how to say them?"
"Yes, I do Sir!"
"Let me hear you."
He ran through them,"A, B, C, D, E..."
I quickly interrupted.
"Stop! Begin."
Once again he ran through the letters quickly.
"Stop !"
I pointed into his chest giving him a physical prompt.
"Go a little slower."
He slowed the pace. And that is when I did my thing.
Gilbert is the third person to receive ABC Training from me. The first was the Cute White Cub. The second was sub zero; leaving boy G. my third pupil in training.
It doesn't matter how repetitive or simple the training may seem; Every person has brought a unique energy to the experience.
boy G. brought his unmatched deep throating skills to the table.
"A, B,C, D....."
With little to hardly any effort he recited the full alphabet with every challenge that I threw his way.
Two fingers, three fingers, four fingers. All five fingers.
"Q, R, S, T, U ......."
I was down to my knuckles in his mouth. I took my hand out.
"W, X, Y, ....."
The last word was not pronounced how Americans would pronounce the letter Z. It was, well; you can hear for yourself.
"ABCs one more time."
He recited them letter by letter up to O in which I stood up and placed my semi soft dick in his mouth. Quickly my dick started to harden by the warm temperature of his mouth and the vibration of his deep voice as he gargled out the letters. I knew with his head skills I could go deep so I grabbed his head and slowly gyrated my hips, giving him deep strokes.
"Go again."
He repeated from A - Z.
I asked him what he wanted.
"I want to service you Sir."
He went down and up and all the way down. I laid at the edge of the bed with him on his knees sucking my cock. I placed my legs on his shoulders and crossed them so there was no getting away. after a few seconds I put them down and let him do his thing .
He did this thing with his tongue that drove me close to the edge.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You got a talented hole."
"Thank you Sir." He slurped never taking his mouth off wetting my dick.
I wrapped my legs around his neck again, this time thrusting my hips, making me fuck his throat.
His gag reflex was phenomenal. I wanted to stay in his mouth but if I did I would have definitely busted. Usually once I come, my body is done. There was no way I was going to bust and not get to test that ass out.
I stood him up and bent him over the bed. Slowly, I attempted to insert myself into him. However, my erection wouldn't stay up for long. It kept going down.
I soon rectified the issue by commanding him to suck on my fingers. Usually when all else fails, that is the one thing that will get me hard in a heartbeat.
He began to engulf my fingers in his mouth like quicksand. That is when I plowed into him like crazy.
I fucked him doggy. I fucked him on his back. I stretched him with beads but nothing was as hot as flat on his belly getting deep into those guts.
As I was in pumped, I barked out, "This is my fucking pussy!"
"Whose pussy is this?"
"I'ts your pussy Sir."
"Whose pussy!"
"It's your pussy Sir."
"C'mon tell me, whose pussy this is!"
"This is your pussy. Own it!"
"It's your fucking pussy..." he continued.
We fucked for quite some time. We had both shot for fucking for as long as bodies would allow us. But my phone thwarted that plan.
I felt it was appropriate to add the videos and pic to add to the writing. I will most likely leave them up for the month the rest of this month and some of September in which I will occasionally migrate them to Video of The Day / Pic of The Day.
It was the phone call that no son or daughter ever wants to get. My sister called to tell me that she received a call from my father’s girlfriend saying that my father was in the hospital. She didn't go into any details other than my dad was unresponsive. She called 911 and he was taken to the hospital. I remember us both running around like crazy trying to get more information. After two days the doctor gave us an account of how my dad was and what was (and still is) going on with him.
Needless to say there are some major health issues going on. Some of those issues we knew about; not by my dad's disclosure but by his then wife that always gave us the tea on my dad. Often to the point of us saying,"I heard enough, I don't want to hear anymore."
In the past it wouldn't be uncommon for me to turn my phone off or the ringer down to avoid annoying calls from friends that didn't know when to stop calling or spam calls.
I have come to the realization that I need to have my phone near me especially as both of my parents are becoming more vulnerable and starting to need assistance more as they age.
The truth is my heart can't help but to skip a beat or two whenever the phone rings now.
It is not the most terrible thing but it is very much there.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Red is one of my least favorite colors.
But there is something very fascinating about an atmosphere ambient with red light.
Walk into any bar, club or room with ambient red light, and you know some sh*t is going down.
Today's pick is FINALLY MET MY MATCH From my blog.
Every so often there is a man that will bring me to my knees and take me to that sweet spot where I have no other choice but to receive what he has to offer down my throat.
URBAN is just the man to take me there and back. Although I have only had one experience with him, the impact has left an impression that I will be singing praises for a long time.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Sunday, August 11, 2024
For me, five encounters in a year is a good year for me. For others, five encounters in one night is a disappointment. We all have our unique views of what “enough” and “want more” is.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Friday, August 9, 2024
Tops that try to hide they enjoy getting their guts rearranged is crazy to me.
Bottoms that shame tops for getting their guts rearranged:
Thursday, August 8, 2024
It’s coming close to a year since I played with you. I had a great time last time. That red lace lingerie still gets me hard ever time I watch the video of me fucking you in it. I look forward to getting you in your new rubber outfit. I especially look forward to seeing pup in his puppy mask. Although it is still some time away, I look forward to bring the doggy out of my boy once again.
I am not sure how often you visit the blog if any these days. Yes, I could have easily sent you a message via telegram. But I wanted to send a special message here to solidify our Daddy Dog / horny pup dynamic. Whether you get this message or not really doesn't matter. At some point if I don't hear back, I will eventually share all that needs to be shared before we meet again.
I understand you have life, work and a wonderful significant other that takes precedence over any get togethers you may have. But when you have the time, I want you to work on stretching your hole with your toys. And when we meet up I would like for you to bring a few. Small to large.
Although I have played with toys in the past I have yet to use anything larger than my medium sized toys. I am interested in not only pushing your boundaries but pushing mine as well and seeing how far I will go with using bigger toys on subs.
Last but not least. When we do meet, first thing I want you to do when you get into the room is close the door, strip butt naked, and get on your knees. Do not say one word until I allow. The only thing you need to bring are a few small to large toys, your new rubber outfit, and your puppy hood. Maybe one pair of sexy panties or thong.
I look forward to seeing you again.
Until then…
There have been a few zealous messages from guys wanting me to fuck, dominate or write about our chats on my blog. I decided that until I actually meet up with these guys; instead of naming them on my blog, I would label them under Potential sub.
So who is the Potential Sub?
Potential sub is not just one person. He is one person in context to a specific story but there are many potential subs.
Because many guys get so caught up in the fantasy and persona of Daddy Scruff, it is easy for their enthusiasm to Peter out when they realize that they don't call the shots on the specifics of what is going to happen in play.
Often prior to us getting together, there are certain assignments I give the potential sub to do. Whether they do it eagerly, drag their feet, ask a million questions before doing it or just ignore my charge altogether, lets me know exactly what I am working with.
Sometime early 2023
The conversation was very interesting:
“I beat off and came in the dry sauna thinking about squatting on your dick. Sadly I was alone. I imagined the first time your head pops in my hole.”
“Excellent,” I replied.
“It will be hot. You plan on fucking me, yes?”
I said, “Maybe. I’ll never tell.”
Angry face emoji
“I need to be fucked sir. Deep and long and sloppy.”
“You know when you sign up to be submissive, the Dom chooses what play will be Right?……I’m sorry I didn’t hear you! lol”
“Ugh. But my hole needs your dick Sir. Please. My pussy is so tight.”
“You said the magic word. You know what that is?” I messaged.
“Please? Sir? Pussy? Tight? I’ll monogram it on your Hanes. What’s the magic word for you to pound me? Plus I’ll let you spank me and leave a massive hand print on each muscle cheek.”
Well first thing is first. We have to set up a date for us to get together for a few hours.” I responded.
“Will that include me milking your dick with my ass? He asks hopefully.”
No response was given.
“I’ll take that as a maybe.”
I responded, “You will have a great time but that is only if you open your mind to whatever is in store for you. I never promise that I will fuck someone. I will say that we both made a list of our likes and boundaries. There will definitely be play from that list. What the play will be is for me to determine. Fucking may happen. It may not. The goal is to get you in the most obedient subspace possible.”
“Fine. But know I’m super obedient when a cock is stretching my hole. And I’m super attracted to you Mark. So I want/need to spread my legs for you. And know I’ll beg. I’ll beg hard. And that’s the last thing I’ll say about it. You’re in charge.”
“Good boy!”
“Thank you sir. Please fuck me……
I’m obedient. But stubborn.”
End of chat until next time.
There is a big difference between being submissive and really wanting to be fucked by me. Although both are equally flattering, Your obedience is what I’m after. We went back and forth chatting. The main topic being why you felt the need to be fucked. Hopefully soon we will have our day together, but not under any negotiation that I penetrate you, or any other activity for that matter. I want your obedience and that comes from gaining your trust.
That trust will bring sheer satisfaction knowing that regardless of being fucked or not the sensory overload will be more than sufficient. It is then that you won’t need to be fucked but you will most likely get it because you allowed yourself to be free from the idea that it is a necessity for a good time.
By the way.
The magic word is pussy.
Don’t try to take advantage of the opportunity to use it to get what you want. I will see right through those efforts.
Until our next chat.
Good night.
Spoiler alert. We never hooked up.
Since I bought my new computer and replaced my old ipad due to low battery performance, I've been locked out of a few of my social media platforms.
Blue Sky: forgot which email I used. None of them are working. There must be an email I forgot I created. Hmm🤔
Skype: no clue what so ever.
I had some interesting conversations that were relevant to some of my posts.
Oh well, I guess I have to rely on the old memory!
Eeeeeeek! 🫣
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Blogs I Enjoy
Thursday Hotness!2 hours ago
TRIMMED8 hours ago
WTF was THAT?1 day ago
Mister Steeeeeeeed2 weeks ago
GIO IN YELLOW2 weeks ago
Stroke 115 weeks ago
99.95 weeks ago
FIRST PEAK2 months ago
Viktor Rom o Fodedor de Cuzinho5 months ago
Back from the desert1 year ago