I remember when erotica was predominately considered literature intended to arouse the sexual desire. Now days, erotica is mostly images of porn.
March 5, 2025
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Saturday, June 29, 2024
It began in July 2021. According to the dates in my Recon messages, we’ve been chatting on and off for almost a year. The opportunity for us to meet was finally here.
At first there was a little misunderstanding. I shared previously that I wanted to get some clips to share on my blog.
“I would say I’m interested but I’m not sure what that is……”
That is where I should have asked what he meant that he didn’t know what “it” was; opposed to just accepting the statement “I would say I’m interested...”
There was a follow up with a lot of questions that he had.
“Why? You want to record it?”
“You could have your hood on,” I replied.
“What are you going to do with it?” He asked.
There were plenty of other questions.
I felt some disappointment about all the questions after assuming he was already up for it.
One of my personal policies is that if there is any sign of doubt or concern, I don’t bring the camera at all so I texted back that I wouldn’t bring the camera.
There were more questions.
I shared with him the link to my blog.
Still more questions.
“What’s the point...”
“Who’s your audience...”
“It reads like a diary. Was that your intention?”
Then it dawned on me when he mentioned not being familiar with blogs that he didn’t really understand what blogs were or their purpose.
I, (there goes that word again) assumed he knew what a blog was. And so I had to check my frustration and attempt to explain more thoroughly.
After explaining, I apologized for the mix up and not being thorough in my explanation.
I gave him a day to think about it since I was leaving that next day.
After I came to the definite conclusion not to bring any recording equipment and that we were going to have a hot time regardless; I received this text:
“Good morning Sir! We meet tonight and I will surrender. Please bring your camera!”
6:15 pm Saturday evening
I stepped out of the shower, dried off, and put on my outfit for the evening:
Black ball cap, black shirt, black pants, underneath was my black jockstrap, leather boots and of course my black leather gloves. I also had my leather jacket on for awhile because this guy loved to see men in their gear.
There was a knock on the door.
He stood about 6 feet, maybe 6’1’. I know he was taller than me. I am 5’10.” He was a good looking White guy with salt and pepper hair and the same color goatee. I found myself totally attracted to that sexy beard of his. I know he had a grayish shirt on but all I was concerned with was getting him naked.
“Close the door and strip naked,” I said.
“Don’t you want to see what I brought?” He asked.
He pulled out a pair of leather chaps and boots, and a nice leash and leather collar that I placed around his neck.
He had a bad ass leather vest in which he wanted to see me in it. I took off my jacket and tried it on. It fit pretty nice so, I wore his vest for a large potion of our playtime.
As he began to strip he stopped, turned and said, “I put on some weight since the pandemic. I hope that’s okay.”
Looking down at my belly I chuckled and said, “I’m sure I won’t have any issue with that.”
I walked behind him, taking in his scent, running my nose up the back of his neck.
Inside his backpack was a leather hood. I put it on him and walked him to the bed.
“Get on the bed, on your hands and knees.”
I gave him a few spanks with my gloved hands.
To savor the moment, I snapped the perfect moment of his ass perfectly prompted up and ready in the mirror.
I started off spanking him.
There was no response.
I spanked him a bit harder. There was still no response. I spanked him even harder. This time I got a slight moan from him.
Moments like such always makes me think of a performer in concert that is performing what they feel is a great performance and the audience is just in their seats observing. You never know if they are having a good time or not, until the end of the performance. They either cheer or jeer.
For me, instead of going inside my head to try to find out what's in theirs; I just keep performing until I'm ready for Act II. That is exactly what I did.
For Act II we moved on to flogging. I started out with just some light back and forth brushes against the skin and progressed into a more impactful play session. I got some movement out of him with the flogging. He shared how much he liked the flogging.
Click here to continue reading.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
When I got to the hotel, I had already made a mental image of what rooms and furniture would serve its purpose. I got there and tested out which lighting I would use. My unique red lights would do well in the seedy atmosphere.
I didn't mind the missing TV, which had an empty mount, although it was a little out of pocket. The surrounding part of town was a tad bit sketchy, not to mention the hotel being right next to a loud ass freeway. When I wiped down the surfaces with disinfectant wipes, the color of the wipes, when done, would have left anyone with goosebumps. It was not my usual choice, but it was convenient and cheap.
When pup Scooby arrived, we got right down to business. I ordered him to strip down to his underwear. He didn't cease to surprise nor arouse with his unconventional red lace garter lingerie with the matching red thong that rode beautifully up the booty crack. I spent quite some time doing dirty things to his oral orifice just before bringing out the magic wand.
The wand worked its magic, sending him moaning and gyrating for more just before his spanking. The spanking itself was brief. Nor was it very intense.
There are many types of spankings. There is spanking to discipline and punishment. There is spanking to send a message. And then there are those sexy spankings that are foreplay for hot sex. I was using my spanking skills to prepare that hole for some of Daddy.
A few interruptions of noisy traffic and a couple arguing throughout the night didn't deter us from having a dirty, fun time at Hotel Ghetto.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Friday, June 21, 2024
FACT #24
Whenever I get a room I usually request one with two beds. One I call The Spanking Bed and the other I call The Fuck Bed.
The Spanking bed is where my spanking, flogging and impact play happens.
The Fuck Bed is where I break out the toys, dildos, beads and of course fucking. It is the bed that I use my black lube resistant sheets on. Also any piss play that may happen is on that bed to protect the spreads.
Both beds serve wonderfully kinky purposes and sometimes the play between impact and play that requires lube, intertwine which can sometimes be mind blowing.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Friday, June 14, 2024
Friday June 14, 2024
Well I will be posting something pretty soon. I will be meeting up with someone from Recon tonight and tomorrow. So I should have something juicy to spill. Literally. Have a nice weekend.
Monday, June 10, 2024
Dear Gary M,
You have no idea, NO FUCKING IDEA how much I needed to hear those words. Maybe you do know a bit too well that need. Whatever the case, I want you to know how much I fucking appreciate the hell out of you.
If we were to walk past each other on the sidewalk, I would probably greet you with a friendly "hello," and keep on about my day not even knowing that you are the man that made my fucking day with your encouragement.
All I can say is thank you and I appreciate you.
Thank you for bringing sunshine to my cloudy day.
Thank you.
Being the youngest of the family and being the youngest of my friends (at least most of them) is becoming more heartbreaking as I get older.
Sometimes, I see their aging process and vulnerability, which makes me sad. It makes me look at my aging process and increasing vulnerabilities.
Ironically when I was younger I often looked forward to my golden years. I admired (and still do ) those wiser and those who have experiences that they love to share with others. Maybe some of my love for sharing my experiences, whether they involve my kink journey or life in general, derives from the inspiration of my more seasoned peers as they share their experiences.
In my twenties and thirties, I had a difficult time relating to those in my same age bracket. It just didn't fit me. Now that I am currently fifty four, I can relate to people my age. However I have grandfathered in,(no pun intended) a dynamic where most of my associates are at least ten, fifteen, sometimes twenty or more years older than me.
When I met my husband I was thirty two and he was fifty one. It didn't seem like a big gap at the time. And for us it still isn't. But time is definitely starting to limit certain things we can do and certain places we can go and everything going on with my dad just have me in a melancholy place.
It doesn't last very long. It comes and goes. But it is in no doubt, there.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Other than my post DADDY ISSUES POSSIBLY and HISTORY, I really haven't talked much about my dad.
Back in September of last year I wrote a post, THE EXODUS Stating that my dad has taken ill. Well, since then my dad barely walks. He has fallen in the tub and the lady friend he lives with had to call my sister to get him to agree for help from the paramedics.
Needless to say he is a stubborn old goat. He gives her shit that is too much for her. The only way that any sense can be knocked into him possibly, and I stress possibly, is if my sister talks to him. Dad has left her in charge of his affairs when the need comes. Although they are two peas in a pod, that dynamic can leave them at a standoff.
Get two alpha big dogs in a room and there is either going to be a serious throw down or absolutely nothing will get done because no one will budge.
That is where the wandering kid chasing butterflies comes in.
I have always been considered the quiet one. The slightly off centered member doing his own thing. Not confrontational what so ever. The one that used to be somewhat of a push over, not because I was afraid of those who would take advantage of my nature, but because I really did hate to have to step on anyone's toes. Often I was the one that would take many offenses to avoid offending.
My dad and I never had many heart to heart chats when I was growing up. Honestly we both sort of ran from them. But there are some key moments that sticks with me to this day.
My dad used to tell me whenever he knew I was mad at him but wouldn't express it, "One day you are going to have to stand up to me."
This was a theme I heard a few times as a kid and more frequent as a teen.
Needless to say, although I have pointed it out before, I have always been intimidated by my father. I love him very much and I know he loves me but there were places I dared not to go with him even up to, well, yesterday.
The lady friend gave me a call and basically let me know she cannot do it by herself and needs help and my dad being stubborn is not making the situation any better.
I called my sister to let her know the conversation we had. We both agreed that it is time for him to get a caregiver. My sister agreed to look into various benefits for veterans that would help out with such needs and I would be the one to talk to him about it. I not only agreed but I suggested being the one to talk to him.
My sister does a lot to help my dad. She is very savvy with documentation, finding various resources and so on. But having her do all the foot work and be the villain would not be fair. And besides, I want to do this. I need to do this.
When my dad told me in my youth, "Someday you will have to stand up to me," I often wondered what he meant.
I often wondered if it was a challenge. I often wondered if it was just an intimidation tactic to keep me in line. I often wondered if he knew I was gay and waiting for me to have the guts to come out to him. (By the way, he told me in one of our heart to hearts as a teen that one of the three of my friends were going to be gay if not all of them including me.) That shocked the living piss out of me. But I never prepared myself for a totally different option. The day I would have to tell my dad, "This is what is going to happen and no, you don't have a choice. Yes I know you are upset. But this is what is going to happen."
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Saturday, June 1, 2024
FACT #23
Fact # 23
I hardly ever play a record, cd, or any collective album from start to finish. I usually pick a few random songs that play in rotation before finding another song on that album to discover. I have CD's I've had for years with songs I'm just discovering. It's like finding an unknown treasure.
There are only three albums I've ever played from beginning to end:
Blogs I Enjoy
Thursday Hotness!1 hour ago
TRIMMED8 hours ago
WTF was THAT?1 day ago
Mister Steeeeeeeed2 weeks ago
GIO IN YELLOW2 weeks ago
Stroke 115 weeks ago
99.95 weeks ago
FIRST PEAK2 months ago
Viktor Rom o Fodedor de Cuzinho5 months ago
Back from the desert1 year ago