March 5, 2025
Monday, October 30, 2023
Friday, October 27, 2023
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
It has become my trademark. I have been wearing ball caps ever since my dad bought me my first cap that came with a matching sweat suit as a very young kid.
The outfit was a dark blue sweat suit and the cap had my name engraved on it. He was a military man and would travel all over for weeks; sometimes two to three months at a time.
My mother never wanted us moving around. We would stay home while he went oversees. He would bring us back some of the coolest things as kids. One of my favorite souvenirs was that outfit.
As I got older of course, the whole outfit became out dated and I grew out of it. But everyone knew me from that cap with my name engraved.
Through the years I would have many caps and various hats. I have had caps with many colors and designs. But the one that always stuck with me was my basic black one with no designs on it.
That look has always been my signature Daddy persona. It literally takes on a life of its own depending what I wear it with and how I wear it.
And yes there is a science to wearing the Daddy cap.
How low I wear it depends on how dominant I feel at the time.
Even at the leather bars and kink events, it is usually worn pretty low; not because I don't want to be seen. I do this as an invitation to those I want in and a warning to those I want to keep out.
The cap has been a great tool for having a sense of anonymity when I shoot.
As many who know me would attest, I am very low key. Though I am pretty active throughout the internet; at the end of the day I like my privacy and I like being in my solitude with my partner. The cap provides that. At least it did.
Lately, when I go to the grocery store, if I wear my cap even as plain ole mild mannered Mark, There are two guys that look at me as if they have seen a ghost.
Even when I went to L.A. there were at least two guys that was staring me down as if they were really trying figure out who I am.
Is it all in my head?
I am not very convinced about that.
Checking my analytics I've noticed activity in the general area that I was staying.
Again: It could be my imagination running wild. However, I will only know if someone comes up to me and says,"Hey aren't you....."
Wether I have been noticed or not, it has definitely marked my suspicions about some of the guys I wondered about.
My gaydar has been pretty on point over the years. Time has revealed some of the hardest dudes, Vatos, homies, rednecks and "straight" men to be some of the best bottoms. So I know if my gaydar is on point; it is only a matter of time when someone comes up and ask me point blank.
When or if it happens: I guess the shit eating grin will reveal all they need to know.
Monday, October 23, 2023
Friday, October 20, 2023
He opened his mouth and took my entire cock down his throat and he slowly slurped me in and out. I pushed and held his head down waiting for him to get enough. It never happened. That man had hardly any to no gag reflex. He mentioned how many tops don’t like that because they like to hear the sound of a guy gagging. For me it just brought me sheer bliss knowing I can stay in and go as deep in that throat as I wanted to.
He was phenomenal as he loved looking up at me as a boy needing approval of doing a good job. He has these humongous eyes that would beg for my attention when I went down his throat. I never once had to command him to look up at me. He already understood the assignment.
Sub Zero
Zero is someone I’ve had the pleasure of playing with at the beginning of the year; and I must say he is by far one I talk about the most. I had the pleasure of exploring ever inch of that man; But that mouth was definitely a treat.
So the situation about the gag:
Yes the gagging sounds he made sent me into orbit. Although I had to push his limits with taking my girth, the one thing he could handle that no one else has yet, was the spyder gag. He had the ability to open wide enough to get the gag behind his teeth allowing for me to really go in. And goodness gracious! The warmth of that mouth! Also, he was very excellent with learning his ABC’s.
Each one has special mouth powers beyond belief and I look forward to test driving all three again.
I’m tired. I’m ready to go to bed. Sometimes it is fucking draining being in a relationship. Other times it’s a beautiful thing.
Right now. It’s hard.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Sunday Afternoon
Friday, October 13, 2023
This morning while I had the bacon on the grill, I received a call. I chatted for a bit with them and got off the phone and started the water for my oatmeal. I finished preparing breakfast and sat down to eat. As I was having my breakfast I noticed my message notification. I see that I received a text. It was from boy N. He had followed my instructions. I was so proud of boy. I felt the swelling between my legs as I ate my oatmeal and bacon.
The day before he mentioned he was unsure if he could go without stroking himself. But he did. I haven’t decided what reward to give him for being a good boy but he definitely deserves something. One of the challenges of not being in a physical Session is finding unique rewards and punishments. But I’m sure I’ll work it out.
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Link: ZERO
So many think of the hanky code as something that’s passé, old fashioned or past it’s prime. However, It is these nostalgic methods of flagging that sparks my creativity most behind closed doors.
As a form of direct communication; let's say at a bar or even online, the concept of learning to "use your words" verbally are an important part of negotiation and vetting. There's just no way of getting around communicating your likes, dislikes, boundaries and hard limits. Nor should there ever be.
But no matter how much people want to scream, "The hankie code is dead," It continues and will always continue, (In my opinion) to play a significant role in conversation pieces and even in play itself.
Here I’ve had the pleasure to reintroduce Zero to some colors he was well acquainted with as well as some not familiar to him, that I flag.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
There is something to be said about mystery. Most people find others more interesting when there is not much on that person.
Everyone is curious to find out what makes a special person tick.
That is what makes BDSM so interesting for so many.
It can be dark. It can be mysterious. It can be a little scary.
But that desire to understand more opens up opportunities to so many possibilities.
That is in the act of BDSM play alone.
And then there is the vetting stage; the actual getting to know your potential partner or peeling back the layers.
It is very easy for someone I’ve played with or even followers on social media to easily lose interest once I have peeled back the many layers to reveal the true presence underneath.
Once they discover that the great Oz is a somewhat insecure guy with a pot belly behind a curtain, some tend to slowly wane in their interests.
The difference between the Scruff Wizard and the Wizard of Oz is I have always opened the curtain for you to see. At least as open as I have chosen.
I have decided to peel back the layers because growing in my knowledge in being a Daddy I couldn’t help to feel the burden of imposter syndrome. The feeling that I am undeniably and utterly a fraud.
Many of my feelings manifested from comparing myself to other Doms that just always seemed to have it together no matter what. Not ever realizing that is what society and the “norm” says it is supposed to be like.
I needed to know that I wasn’t the only one who sometimes fucked up. I needed to hear that I didn’t have to be the ever mighty superior with a dick the swung from my groin to below my knees. I also need to see that there were other Doms with my body type and my color skin and race that could be worthy of praise. (And although there were some there) I didn’t see that.
And so I put me out there.
I put me out there not only because writing is my love, but because I know there are others like me that has gone or is going through similar experiences and they need to know that they are not alone and they don’t have to be perfect to take on a dominate role.
Monday, October 2, 2023
FACT #12
SO! I have a few encounters under my belt. I wouldn't say that I am active five to seven times a week. Hell! I wouldn't even say I'm active once a week.
From July to now, which is October 2023 this was my busiest in years. (Gear Up weekend, Meeting with LB, Meeting with pup scooby, and boy G.)
It started in January with Zero.
Ironically Zero and Son are probably the two most written about. The unique thing about that is I've only played with Zero Friday, January 6th and Saturday, January 7th.
The fact that there was so much wrapped in those two days left me with many future posts. If I wanted to make my blog solely the Zero blog, I could. Not only did we cover so much play in those two days, the emotional and even spiritual impact it had on us is enough to cover by itself. (Well, I will not speak for Zero; but I know for myself, sure.)
As one look through my journal one will notice experiences and play sessions from years even two or more decades. This is all part of the unique journey I have accepted to walk.
Although I am not the most active sexually, Erotism is something that is on my mind very often.
If I'm not creating poetry, I'm putting together sexy memes and personal statements.
Sometimes I'm shooting my selfies or photographing male nudes.
The thing is; I keep myself busy a lot with eroticism .
I hate to be the thief of other blogger's ideas. But it is exactly like Mr. Steed and Daddy mentioned in their posts, ( A PORNOGRAPHER'S MANIFESTO and GIFTED "The best sex is story sex." I have often soaked my underwear to a wet puddle in my pants recalling some of my hottest moments of the past and I'm sure there will be even more hot moments as such.
So even though I don't have a massive body count, I would like to say I have had some quality experiences with some quality people.
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