
March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

Wednesday, October 25, 2023




It has become my trademark. I have been wearing ball caps ever since my dad bought me my first cap that came with a matching sweat suit as a very young kid. 

The outfit was a dark blue sweat suit and the cap had my name engraved on it.  He was a military man and would travel all over for weeks; sometimes two to three months at a time. 

My mother never wanted us moving around.  We would stay home while he went oversees.  He would bring us back some of the coolest things as kids.  One of my favorite souvenirs was that outfit. 


As I got older of course, the whole outfit became out dated and I grew out of it.  But everyone knew me from that cap with my name engraved.

Through the years I would have many caps and various hats.  I have had caps with many colors and designs.  But the one that always stuck with me was my basic black one with no designs on it.

That look has always been my signature Daddy persona.  It literally takes on a life of its own depending what I wear it with and how I wear it. 

And yes there is a science to wearing the Daddy cap.

How low I wear it depends on how dominant I feel at the time.

Even at the leather bars and kink events, it is usually worn pretty low; not because I don't want to be seen.  I do this as an invitation to those I want in and a warning to those I want to keep out.

The cap has been a great tool for having a sense of anonymity when I shoot.  

As many who know me would attest, I am very low key.  Though I am pretty active throughout the internet; at the end of the day I like my privacy and I like being in my solitude with my partner.  The cap provides that.  At least it did.

Lately, when I go to the grocery store, if I wear my cap even as plain ole mild mannered Mark, There are two guys that look at me as if they have seen a ghost.  

Even when I went to L.A. there were at least two guys that was staring me down as if they were really trying figure out who I am. 

Is it all in my head?

I am not very convinced about that. 

Checking my analytics I've noticed activity in the general area that I was staying. 

Again: It could be my imagination running wild. However, I will only know if someone comes up to me and says,"Hey aren't you....."

Wether I have been noticed or not, it has definitely marked my suspicions about some of the guys I wondered about. 

My gaydar has been pretty on point over the years. Time has revealed some of the hardest dudes, Vatos, homies, rednecks and "straight" men to be some of the best bottoms. So I know if my gaydar is on point; it is only a matter of time when someone comes up and ask me point blank.

When or if it happens: I guess the shit eating grin will reveal all they need to know.

Monday, October 23, 2023


August 8th up to September 23, 2023

Link: pup scooby

 It all started when I sent him a message via X. 

I really liked his X page.  He had video clips of him taking some pretty large dildos up his butt.  I was definitely intrigued.

We would spend the following weeks talking, getting to know each other and finding a common ground on our play interests.

We began our play much later than we had planned. I believe we were originally going to meet around 4:00pm but didn’t end up meeting until about 9:00pm.

This actually worked out better and allowed us both to be a bit more relaxed and not in a rush to be anywhere.

Around 9:13pm

He arrived.  He was dressed in black khaki shorts, and a black T-shirt.

All black:

Already he scored kudo points for my favorite color. 

He is a 44 year old White guy with a thin build standing at about 6'3".  Hopefully he will correct me with his height if need be.  He has dark brown, close to black hair that is tapered on the sides and back.  The top just about falls to his brow when not swept to one side.

He has the same color beard with the exception of a predominantly gray streak down the center.

The one thing that stood out was his eyes.  He had what appeared to be amazingly large eyes.  

Maybe it was the light blue color that made them really stand out.  Whatever the case, his eyes definitely were a unique and sexy attraction.

I had on my Black jeans, black T-shirt and leather gloves.  I didn't have my ball cap on although later in play I did put on my Muir cap and shades.

After spending a few minutes of chatting to break the ice, I kindly ask him on his knees. 

"One of the hardest part is learning how to use this thing with gloves on," I complained as I stumbled to press record on the Ipad with my gloves.

Finally we were set to film.  I walked to him and began caressing his chest going lower and lower until I got to his crotch.

As I caressed his bulge, I noticed a hardness most different than others.

"You're caged." 

 Pup nod his head confirming my discovery. 

After a moment of caressing and groping I walked into the bathroom to change the atmosphere a bit.  

I turned off the bathroom lights.

"This is my first time doing this.  But wanted to have the whole mood right.  I hope this is not too  cheesy,"I mentioned.

"Go for it! Do it! " scooby said.

Looking at the clip really puts a smile on my face as there were certain things that I missed that the camera picked up like how his face lit up and the nod of approval he gave to himself when I brought out some gear and turned on the lamps in which I switched the hotel lights out with my red ones.

Friday, October 20, 2023


 boy G.

He opened his mouth and took my entire cock down his throat and he slowly slurped me in and out. I pushed and held his head down waiting for him to get enough.  It never happened.  That man had hardly any to no gag reflex.  He mentioned how many tops don’t like that because they like to hear the sound of a guy gagging.  For me it just brought me sheer bliss knowing I can stay in and go as deep in that throat as I wanted to.

pup Scooby

He was phenomenal as he loved looking up at me as a boy needing approval of doing a good job.  He has these humongous eyes that would beg for my attention when I went down his throat.  I never once had to command him to look up at me.  He already understood the assignment.

Sub Zero

Zero is someone I’ve had the pleasure of playing with at the beginning of the year; and I must say he is by far one I talk about the most.  I had the pleasure of exploring ever inch of that man; But that mouth was definitely a treat. 

So the situation about the gag:

Yes the gagging sounds he made sent me into orbit. Although I had to push his limits with taking my girth, the one thing he could handle that no one else has yet, was the spyder gag.  He had the ability to open wide enough to get the gag behind his teeth allowing for me to really go in.  And goodness gracious!  The warmth of that mouth!  Also, he was very excellent with learning his ABC’s.

Each one has special mouth powers beyond belief and I look forward to test driving all three again.


October 19, 2023

I’m tired. I’m ready to go to bed. Sometimes it is fucking draining being in a relationship. Other times it’s a beautiful thing.

Right now. It’s hard.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 Sunday Afternoon 

It’s my chill day although I’m very anxious about the phone call I missed Friday regarding my test results.
I’m extremely nervous about not knowing what my status is.


Finally the results.

The butterflies. 

The fucking butterflies!

The butterflies in my stomach would not go away. They just would not go away.

The conclusion I've come to:
I plan not to ever put myself in a situation where I feel like this again.

For some, whatever the outcome, it's no big deal. For me emotionally and psychologically, It was a big deal. Would I deal with the circumstances and continue to live my life the most healthy way possible? I'm sure. 

But would the idea of "If I only just took the time to....." haunt me indefinitely? 

Most likely.

Monday 6:00am 
finally 9:00am

"Hi I'm calling to get my test results."

"What tests did you have done?"

"Oh my goodness!" I thought to myself
"HIV / gonorrhea blah blah blah"

"Oh I let you talk to the nurse."

Now the anxiety thickens.

After 10 minutes of my phone dropping the call and going through the whole questioning process. I reach the nurse.

Clear of HIV, gonorrhea, Hep B and whatever else they tested me for.

Conclusion #2

For me condoms just works best. (I speak for myself only. Everyone does what they chose to protect themselves or not.) No matter how hot the heat of the moment is; playing without wrapping it up is not something that is anywhere on my agenda. There have been some that said we could eventually try it once to see how it feels. 


I know from this brief experience that it's not worth the anxiety and trouble.

A side note:
I know a lot of my fear was how something like that would change my life. I also know that some of the fear stemmed from the stigma behind HIV itself. As much as I am open to playing with poz men and I don't perceive positive men in a way that would be stigmatic, I know that many others do.  And I know that would be my biggest challenge for ME oppose to my views of poz guys.

Friday, October 13, 2023


Originally posted on my previous blog
This morning May 13, 2021

Link: boy N

This morning while I had the bacon on the grill, I received a call.  I chatted for a bit with them and got off the phone and started the water for my oatmeal. I finished preparing breakfast and sat down to eat.  As I was having my breakfast I noticed my message notification.  I see that I received a text.  It was from boy N. He had followed my instructions.  I was so proud of boy.  I felt the swelling between my legs as I ate my oatmeal and bacon.

The day before he mentioned he was unsure if he could go without stroking himself.  But he did.  I haven’t decided what reward to give him for being a good boy but he definitely deserves something.  One of the challenges of not being in a physical Session is finding unique rewards and punishments.  But I’m sure I’ll work it out.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


October 10, 2023

It's close to bedtime and I am just going over my day today.  I feel a lot more at ease than earlier. Although I hate the waiting game.

 I recently did something that I hardly ever do even with my partner.  I fucked a guy bareback. It was late. His ass was in the air.  I was horny. 

I was fully aware of his status, but I went for it anyway.  The sex was phenomenal. We had a great time. But afterward, like the next day after; I was like,"What the fuck did I just do?"

I appreciate the person's honesty before hand. Never once did he even ask. He just put the info out and left me to decide.

I never had issue playing with poz guys. I always took as safe measures as possible to protect myself as well as my partner. 

I was tested basically for every thing and I am currently being treated with PEP. (Post Exposure Prophylaxis)

The nurse Shared that she felt my chances of contacting HIV is slim.  

As the penetrating partner (Top) I engaged with someone apparently with a very low viral load.

However I have been urged to finish my PEP treatments regardless of my status.

This whole experience has taught me that regardless how bad I want it, I need to take the time to wrap it up.

Yeah I could have easily asked for PREP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) But I'm much more comfortable with my method of condoms.  After all. We all have our preferences.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


January 7, 2023

Link: ZERO

So many think of the hanky code as something that’s passé, old fashioned or past it’s prime.  However, It is these nostalgic methods of flagging that sparks my creativity most behind closed doors. 

As a form of direct communication; let's say at a bar or even online, the concept of learning to "use your words" verbally are an important part of negotiation and vetting.  There's just no way of getting around communicating your likes, dislikes, boundaries and hard limits. Nor should there ever be.

But no matter how much people want to scream, "The hankie code is dead," It continues and will always continue, (In my opinion) to play a significant role in conversation pieces and even in play itself.

Here I’ve had the pleasure to reintroduce Zero to some colors he was well acquainted with as well as some not familiar to him, that I flag. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


 There is something to be said about mystery. Most people find others more interesting when there is not much on that person.  

Everyone is curious to find out what makes a special person tick. 

That is what makes BDSM so interesting for so many.

It can be dark. It can be mysterious. It can be a little scary.

But that desire to understand more opens up opportunities to so many possibilities.

That is in the act of BDSM play alone.

And then there is the vetting stage; the actual getting to know your potential partner or peeling back the layers.

It is very easy for someone I’ve played with or even followers on social media to easily lose interest once I have peeled back the many layers to reveal the true presence underneath.

Once they discover that the great Oz is a somewhat insecure guy with a pot belly behind a curtain, some tend to slowly wane in their interests.

The difference between the Scruff Wizard and the Wizard of Oz is I have always opened the curtain for you to see. At least as open as I have chosen. 

I have decided to peel back the layers because growing in my knowledge in being a Daddy I couldn’t help to feel the burden of imposter syndrome. The feeling that I am undeniably and utterly a fraud.

Many of my feelings manifested from comparing myself to other Doms that just always seemed to have it together no matter what. Not ever realizing that is what society and the “norm” says it is supposed to be like.

I needed to know that I wasn’t the only one who sometimes fucked up. I needed to hear that I didn’t have to be the ever mighty superior with a dick the swung from my groin to below my knees. I also need to see that there were other Doms with my body type and my color skin and race that could be worthy of praise. (And although there were some there) I didn’t see that.

And so I put me out there. 

I put me out there not only because writing is my love, but because I know there are others like me that has gone or is going through similar experiences and they need to know that they are not alone and they don’t have to be perfect to take on a dominate role.

Monday, October 2, 2023


FACT #12

SO! I have a few encounters under my belt.  I wouldn't say that I am active five to seven times a week.  Hell! I wouldn't even say I'm active once a week.  

From July to now, which is October 2023 this was  my busiest in years. (Gear Up weekend, Meeting with LB, Meeting with pup scooby, and boy G.)

It started in January with Zero

Ironically Zero and Son are probably the two most written about.  The unique thing about that is I've only played with Zero Friday, January 6th and Saturday, January 7th. 

The fact that there was so much wrapped in those two days left me with many future posts. If I wanted to make my blog solely the Zero blog, I could. Not only did we cover so much play in those two days, the emotional and even spiritual impact it had on us is enough to cover by itself. (Well, I will not speak for Zero; but I know for myself, sure.)

As one look through my journal one will notice experiences and play sessions from years even two or more decades.  This is all part of the unique journey I have accepted to walk. 

Although I am not the most active sexually, Erotism is something that is on my mind very often.  

If I'm not creating poetry, I'm putting together sexy memes and personal statements.  

Sometimes I'm shooting my selfies or photographing male nudes.

The thing is; I keep myself busy a lot with eroticism .

I hate to be the thief of other blogger's ideas.  But it is exactly like Mr. Steed and Daddy mentioned in their posts, ( A PORNOGRAPHER'S MANIFESTO  and GIFTED "The best sex is story sex." I have often soaked my underwear to a wet puddle in my pants recalling some of my hottest moments of the past and I'm sure there will be even more hot moments as such.

So even though I don't have a massive body count, I would like to say I have had some quality experiences with some quality people.  


Friday Evening 
About 6:15pm

I arrived late for the flogging class with Daddy Robert.  I really wanted to get the whole class but I was still coming down from my playtime with LB.  I did get some awesome tips and we all got to practice with a person in our group. The class was very informative.  I got some great tips even though I was tardy.  

Class ended around 7pm just in time for dinner. 
I really wasn’t hungry but I wanted to eat something because I haven’t eaten much since I got there due to the heat. 

I walked into the dining area and got my food. I can’t remember what we had. I want to say either pork chops or chicken, salad and few other sides. 

Not too long after I got my food, the gentleman that was in my flogging group came and sat next to me.

He’s a very nice man.  

He's a White guy, a clean shaven Septuagenarian with just as much hair on his head as on his face with the exception of his eye brows.  Very smooth.

“Mind if I sit here?”

“No, not at all,” I said as I scooted over to invite him next to me.

We chatted about the flogging class and our time at the site.  It was not long after that, Sexy Dom came in.  He spotted us and sat down opposite from us.

I began to introduce my former classmate to Sexy Dom when one of them mentioned that they know each other and that they were staying in the cabin together.

He asked me something or made a statement.  It was then I spotted out his accent.

"I notice your accent.  Where are you from?"

He had this smirk on his face as he told his friend, "Don't tell him. let him figure it out."

I did figure it out when someone referenced something about Germany.  They seemed to really get a kick out of the fact that it just didn't register. 

As far as dialogue, I don't remember else we talked about.  I do know that most of the time he had his eye on me with his mischievous almost even smug grin on his face.

While we were all chatting, Sexy Dom decided to take his sandal off and with his bare foot; go between my legs under the table. 

With that shit eating grin on his face, he slowly ran  his foot further up my thigh.  

I'm pretty sure he was trying to get me to blush.  It worked; but I quickly understood the assignment.
I scooted closer to the table as I opened my legs.

I interrupted Clean Shaven's chatting by saying, "Your friend is doing inappropriate things underneath the table."  

He smiled at Sexy Dom, looked at me and said sarcastically, "No!"

"Yes!" I replied.

"You haven't seen inappropriate yet," boasted Sexy Dom.

The two of them locked eyes as if they were telepathically sending each other messages.

That's when Sexy Dom said, "We got one of the cabins.  Come on over later tonight."

I looked at Clean shaven and straight ahead at Sexy Dom.


That's when Clean Shaven put his hand on my inner thigh and gave it a rub.  After dinner, we parted. 


After dinner, I went back to the car to find the items I was going to donate for the Gear Grab.  I donated a pair of nice leather boots along with my Spyder gag that I've only used once on the ever so popular pig Zero.

As one of the new comers we were able to pic two choices from the Gear Grab. I picked up an awesome looking singlet and a pair of  Mr. S shorts.

As excited about my new gifts and as much as I enjoyed the fellowship of kinkisters, I was very hot and thirsty.  Two days in the triple digit heat was getting to me. I went back to the tent to rest up for my ass fucking. 

I figured I would need my energy if I was going to get tag teamed by Sexy Dom and Clean Shaven. (I know, I have a vivid imagination of letting two guys fuck me, when I can barely get my own fingers in. But a guy can dream.)


I began to get my stuff ready for the night; lube, condoms and what I was going to wear which consisted of my jockstrap and well, that's about it.

As I was scavenging for my items I kept visualizing Sexy Dom's thick long dick going into the young bottom he was fucking. How he would slowly ease his cock in and out just before he would pick up the pace and pound the fuck out of him.

I was getting horny, a bit nervous and anxious with anticipation. 

"That's it! I'm getting out of here. Ready or not, " I thought to myself as I scooped up my belongings.

I didn't know exactly where they were located so I roamed the camp site a bit.  Just as I spotted what I thought would be their cabin I felt like I needed to go.  Of all the times I could have eaten a heavy meal; tonight just had to be the night.

"Great !" I yelled to myself as I stormed towards the restroom to do what needed to be done.

After getting done, I jumped back into the shower and got myself as clean as I possibly could. 

Okay, you guys can give me the side eye if you want. But! In my younger and more versatile days, I didn't douche.  I never had too. I definitely had a change of diet when I knew what was going to happen: but I never put any foreign tool up my butt and filled it up with water to clean out. And believe it or not I never had any issues.

The one time I did use one of those hoses was a disaster! Fortunately the guy was a good sport and didn't freakout or embarrass the hell out of me. 

We just cleaned up went on with other activities and that was it.  But nevertheless It left me mortified in which I told myself that shit won't EVA happen again!

About 11:15pm

I got out of the shower and checked things and realized most likely I was going to have to hose out if I was going to do this.  I decided to just head over, forget about putting being fucked on the table and see where things fall.  Besides, I have more than one hole right?

About 11:30/ 11:40pm

I found their cabin and knocked on the door.
They invited me in.

Sexy Dom said, put your stuff on this counter.  

"We didn't think you were coming.  We figured you changed your mind."

"No I rested for awhile.  This heat is kicking my ass," I replied. (Believe it or not it was still pretty warm even close to midnight.)

Sexy Dom pointed to the bed where Clean shaven was. 

"Get on the bed," he directed.

I did what was told.

It was kind of a weird set up for me.  Whenever I hear a command given it is usually from me and I usually expect to hear "Yes Sir" followed by that command.  It's not an expectation that I make subs submit to (unless under certain circumstances) but it is something I have gotten so used to hearing after a command that I was waiting for the reply.  The only thing was; I was the one being directed to do something.

I know I was awaiting his dominant energy and very curious how he would take things.  I just didn't know how submissive I would be.  For me, one has to really know how to get me in that spot. I wasn't going to be bratty about the situation but I also know I wasn't going to put on a role that I wasn't feeling.  

I don't do acting.

"Suck his dick," Sexy Dom said to Clean Shaven.

CS got on me and started sucking me and licking my balls.  It felt amazing but I wasn't hard. The heat was really doing a number on me.

"Okay, you suck my dick while he sucks yours."

SD moved to the edge of the bed to give me access to his dick which was also flaccid.  Even flaccid however, he had a thick long dick. He is definitely a shower.

I began sucking for awhile. That is when SD told me to suck Clean shaven's dick.

He was definitely getting into giving us directions.

"Oooh, he's so obedient," He says to Clean Shaven.

"Maybe we can make a boy out of this Dom after all!" 

As I was on the bed blowing CS with my ass poked out, I felt a sharp sting hit my right butt cheek.

Sexy Dom had just whacked me with his cane. No warning, no telling me or gentle tap to get me prepared; just smack !


"Not so hard."

"That wasn't hard." He said.

I turned around to look and saw it was a cane. 

"I don't do caning well."

He then directed us into a position in which I was laying flat and either his or CS's crotch was directly in my face as one of them was gyrating his penis in my mouth. The other was behind the other over me rubbing me and occasionally sucking my dick. 

I did not like this position at all. 

I have mentioned numerous times (On my old blog) that I sometimes have claustrophobic moments when I just want to jump out of my skin.  This position put me directly in that position.  However, I didn't mention it to anyone.  I felt like there was already the disappointment of neither of them getting to fuck me, the canning issue and the fact that it was too damn hot and no one was really aroused. 

At some point I felt I was going to have to say something because with the way the heat was and the raise in my anxiety level; I literally felt like I was suffocating.  I never had an outward panic attack but I am sure if I were to stay in this position, it was going to happen.

"Can we change positions? It's getting a little warm," I requested.

Sexy Dom at that point noted that it was warm and he excused himself to go the dungeon.

The finale

Clean Shaven and I spent time snuggling a bit then he went down to my crotch to start sucking.  For the first time I was actually able to get an erection. He kept up doing what he was doing to keep me up.  He picked up the pace a bit sending me to that edge.

"I'm close!"

That just ignited his rhythm. 

"I'm going to cum!"

He kept pushing me.  Then I blasted in his mouth.

A few seconds passed then he leaned in for what I thought was a kiss but instead he snowballed my cum to me.

It was my first snowball. I have to say it wasn't great for me.  It wasn't horrible but it just isn't something that I enjoyed a great deal.

Maybe if I was a bit more prepared I may have had a better reaction.

"Oh. I wasn't expecting that!"

He had a somewhat of a perplexed look.

"Oh it wasn't bad. It was just my first time."

"I will never understand why anyone would have an issue with it. I mean, it is from their own body after all."

What I thought to myself but didn't say out loud," Yeah, but you are also receiving the other person's spit in the interim."

I love drool and spit in various scenarios but to trade spit is not a favorite of mine especially post pandemic. 

Regardless, I enjoyed chatting with him afterwards. 

I got my things together and went back to my tent. we did get each other's profiles on Recon.

So it looks like I have a permanent mark from the caning. It took place July 14, 2023. It’s now Sept 27, 2023. 

“That wasn’t hard” my ass !

But that’s okay it was well worth Sexy Dom getting sheer satisfaction that he turn a Daddy Dom out and made me his submissive boy. (even though the vibe and environment wasn’t the most comfortable for any of us.)

Please Read

All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.