Sunday, March 24, 2024


FACT  #21 No matter how much I shower, I have a slight musk that won’t go away.  It is heightened when I’m sexually aroused.  Before hooking up I would air out in my boxers in front of the fan until I realized most of the guys were obsessed with my pits and crotch.What once was one man’s insecurity = another’s aphrodisiac.


  1. it's so true. There's something absolutely intoxicating about real man smells. A true aphrodisiac.

    1. It is very erotic. I love taking in the scent of a man. It is so funny how self conscious I was back in the day and still love the scent of others. It was really at the height of the pandemic in 2020 when I was mainly entertaining myself that I started to appreciate my own scent.

  2. I love my own scent. I try to limit deodorant in the playroom. I want us all to smell like...well, men. I think the essence of a man is right where the back of his ball sack and the top of the perineum meet. Delicious.

  3. I must admit I love a manscent of a guy. I even like myself. When I masturbate, some times I smell my pits especially if they are really ripe! The smell turns me on even more!
