
March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

Sunday, December 31, 2023


  Saturday December 2, 2023

Yesterday I sent my blog buddy FELCHING PISSER a message asking for some tips on how to overcome my pee shyness.  He offered an amazing link he wrote Watersports 101: A mini master class. Everything he wrote was spot on and I look forward to try out some of the advice.

Saturday 3, 2023 


One emptied and well rinsed bottle and a desire to urinate.

I walked to the kitchen counter and picked up the rinsed bottle.  I decided to do it in the kitchen because:


1. That was where the bottle was. 

2. the kitchen is just a few feet from the living room which has a big sliding window. 

I am not an exhibitionist nor can anyone really see what I'm doing being behind the tall kitchen counter that comes up just below my chest.  My theory; however, is that if I go somewhere other than my usual private spot, it will open up the possibilities to voiding in other places.

I pull the bottle as close as possible to my dick. 


I begin pissing into the bottle.

My piss is warm.  I look into the bottle.  I see that my piss is a little dark but it doesn't smell strong. 

Here goes nothing.

This is the first time I take actual gulps.  Yeah I've tried it a few times but the first time I actually swallowed like an actual glass drink. 

"Eeew! No!"

That was just the initial hit.  The real aftertaste came about 2 to 3 seconds after.

The most salty and I don't know how to describe any other flavor but..... "NO!"

I should have known it was going to be bad after seeing the color.

I ran to the facet to get some tap water to quickly wash it down. I NEVER DRINK UNFILTERED TAP WATER! So this is what my piss brought me to.

I have some theories, If anyone more experienced would like to chime in please feel free:

I'm thinking:

1. I had eggs, English muffin, four sausages for breakfast about an hour and a half to two hours prior???????

2. This was my first piss.  My first piss is usually somewhat dark ?????

3. I maybe ate more damn sausages than I needed to and or I did put seasoned salt on my eggs not much. 

Fuck! I don't know!


My second piss. 

I go to the toilet this time.

"Fuck!  I forgot the bottle."

I catch as much with my hand.  



"Not as bad but I don't have the full effect."

I stop mid stream to get the bottle.  I piss in the bottle and take one gulp.  The taste is not as overbearing and I am clearer than before.

The thought of training got me kind of horny and the aftertaste that's still in my mouth at 1:51pm is making me crave dick right now.

Friday, December 29, 2023


         December 28, 2023

A few days ago I received a cruise on my Recon account from a very good looking man.  His name will not be disclosed and the only description I will give for now is his blue eyes(with a possible hint of green??) and infections smile.  Anyone who knows me knows I love a man with a gorgeous smile.

He has recently come out and he wants to experience what it is like to be with another man.  He mentioned that he doesn't have any experience
but has read a lot about BDSM.

I don't know how much he has read, nor do I know what he has read.  My job is to find out what he has read.  

Is it information on kink? Are they novels? Sexy stories?  What exactly has he read and what does he see BDSM as?

The one thing I do know is he is very new to the scene.  His profile was just created last month. English is not his first language. And out of all of the men on Recon, he chose me.

"Today I was watching some of your videos and reading your blog.  The guys that are with you are very lucky.  My first time should be with someone like you. You are very patient and respectful," he said.

Some of our conversation was through me using the English to Spanish translator until he requested for me not to.

"I hope the translation is good," I answered. 

"Even I think is better for me if you write in English, I can learn more," he replied.

We had a lot more to say; however, I will leave those things between Blue Eyes and myself.

After work I wanted him to text me after he had time to relax and unwind.  

"NowI'm home Sir," he texted.

"Good boy."

"Are you relaxed," I questioned.

"Yes Sir."

"Are you alone?"

"Yes Sir I am," he responded.

"What are you wearing?"

"Jeans and a t shirt.  Why Sir?"

"I want you to go to a comfortable spot; either a couch or the bed in your bedroom.  Take off your pants,"I ordered.

"Yes Sir,"

"Let me know when they are off."

"I did it," he replied.

"Are you in bed?"

"Yes Sir," he replied.

"What are you thinking right now?"

"I'm curious what's gonna happen," he said.

"I feel safe with you.  I don't know why but I really feel safe," he mentioned.

"I cannot be there in body, but I can be there in mind."

"Thank you Sir.  I can feel you here."

I had him take his t shirt off and I guided him how I wanted him to masturbate himself.

Prior to him pleasuring himself I asked if he liked his body and if he felt sexy.

He thought his body was okay but he didn't feel sexy. 

It took some time to get him there but he slowly found arousal in himself.

Today he mentioned that since some radical changes in his relationship status and life in general, it was difficult to get hard, but last night was very easy for him.  This arousal did not come from me alone. As a matter of fact; I was just there to guide this handsome gentleman.  The key to his arousal was to see just how desirable he is to others but most of all for him to see the sexiness in himself.


Blue Eyes,
I guess by now you have figured out your new name.  It came to me today when I was looking at your pictures.  

You asked, "What makes a man like you consider being with someone like me?"

Well I will tell you what I find extraordinarily sexy about you and let you figure out the rest.

1. Your blue eyes. The way your eyes literally pop out of the screen . They are so sexy. That is why you are Blue Eyes.

2.  Your eagerness to learn. You ask questions. You are curious and not afraid to explore.

3. Obedience.  I instructed you to take your clothes off and get on the bed and do as I told you and you did it with no hesitation. You trusted that I had something pleasant in store for you and you received your reward.

4. Every strand of hair on your legs. I could sniff every part of your body. And most likely I will.

5. Your gentle spirit. We've touched on this last night so you already know.

I know you are very eager for us to meet. So am I. I assure you when the time comes for us to do so I will make sure you are taken care of and that you and I both have a great time. But for now, the important thing is for you to be sexy and be confident that you are sexy. That is the only way I want to have you.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Wednesday December 27, 2023

Link: boy


I woke up this morning, started my morning routine and checked my social media. I checked my X page to find a message from boy

He wished me a Happy Hump Day with two sexy pictures of him. 

One was was a front shot of him nude wearing a harness and a Santa hat with his knee on a chair showing a well polished leather boot and a flaccid penis with just a hint of a metal ring around his balls.

The second picture was of course of those humps securely hugged by a pair of brown leather gloved hands.

It had been a little while since we’ve chatted so I pleasantly surprised to have actual humps in my DMs for Hump Day.

Thank you boy.  You’re are a treasure and a treat. 

I can’t remember what your stance was on anonymity so I just blurred you out. You can let me know when we chat. 

P.S. I got something for you as well.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


 I honestly can't remember the year, which is strange because I used to journal everything back in the day. I believe 2016 or 2017.
An original post from my previous blog

It was Saturday night, just one day before the Folsom Street Fair.

For those who are unfamiliar, Folsom Street Fair is an annual event for people into leather and various kinks to get together and celebrate......well let's just call it what it is.......its an annual freak show.  Can't beat that definition.

There were many pre fair events happening throughout the week.  One would be a spank party just for men.

Most of the crowd was older in which I didn't mind.  However there wasn't much going on.  

After about 30 minutes of cruising, I took a seat.  Not too long after, a guy came up and struck up a conversation.  He was a bottom and wanted to be spanked so I kindly obliged.  He was probably in his late fifties.  He was not a bad looking guy at all.  But with most experienced bottoms I've played with; it would turn out to be very mechanical.  No matter how hard I smacked his ass or what I did, his response would be minimal.

After a few minutes a group of onlookers would gather around.  In the crowd was a good looking guy observing intently.  I usually hate crowds staring but this guy was hot as fuck.  Not to mention he was actually into what I was doing.

I am really more of a private player but having this attention on me made me want to show off; spanking, caressing and playing with my partner's ass as my admirer watched.

I found myself getting aroused, not by the bottom I was playing with, but by the attention I was getting from this guy.

After seeing no response from my play partner, I brought out a few paddles and a flogger in which the bottom welcomed.  Yet still this guy didn't even flinch.  After about 20 minutes of monotonous spanking and flogging I decided to end our playtime by saying,"I'm going to take a break." 

We parted ways and I began to cruise the spot checking out the different scenes going on.

Across the room was the young guy from before.  I notice him checking me out with a huge smile on his face.  I smiled back at him in hopes that he would come my way but he didn't.

Finally I took a seat on a bench a few feet from the play space.  A few minutes went by and the guy walked past me and smiled again.  This time I got a much better view of him.  He was a beautiful man.  He looked like he was Spanish with some other type of exotic ethnicity.  He was a short stocky guy but with muscle.  He couldn't have been more than 5'6" probably about 170lbs or so.  Again, he was a little stocky but was proportioned in just the right places.  With his light brown beard and short dark brown buzz cut, he reminded me of the porn star Francois Sagat but without the hair tattoo and he definitely smiled more.  Actually it was amazing; more than amazing in my opinion.  I'm a sucker for a guy with a great smile.

Everywhere I went  this guy was there.  There was no doubt that this guy was stalking me. 

There are stalkers that are plain creepy and then there are stalkers that make you proud to be their prey.  This guy was definitely the latter.

I figured I would play cat and mouse just enough to give him a good tease.

I'm pretty good at reading people.  Just by his body language I knew he would not make the first move as he appeared somewhat shy.  I could tell by his ethnic features and strangely enough by the way he smiled that he didn't speak much English.  And last, I could tell by the way he was passively yet consistantly stalking me that he wanted something from me.  My goal was to find out what it was.

Finally after a few minutes of having this guy follow me, I turned around, walked up to him and said,"Hey how are you doing?" 

"Good." He replied smiling.

"So you are here for the Street Fair?"
Click here to continue reading 

Friday, December 22, 2023


I am convinced that anyone that enters a restroom to use it, should wash their hands before leaving.

I am convinced there should be a garbage can near the door of each bathroom so that the person can properly dispose of their paper towels. 

I am convinced that opening the door with that paper towel will be a barrier between you and the handle that may or may not have some snotty nosed kid's DNA on it: or worse. A snotty nosed adult.

I am convinced air dryers are nothing more than germ factories blowing on what was once perfectly clean hands.

Public Service Announcement........

And Rant For The Day

Friday, December 15, 2023

FACT # 17

FACT #17

I don't celebrate Christmas.  (Occasionally I will observe it for family.)  I just thought this was cute tho..........🤷🏽‍♂️ 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Links: boy G.
           ORAL TRAINING

September 24, 2023

"Keep doing what you're doing," I told Gilbert.

He opened his mouth and took a slab of my bulge in. 

From sniffing to licking back to sniffing and eventually licking; he made sure the bulge in my underwear remained stiff and it remained wet.  He succeeded this task by keeping me wet with precum and the saliva from his warm mouth.

"So who should you be for my blog?  Boy Gabriel?"

"Um," he hesitated with a smile.

"Or we can find another name," I replied.

He kindly corrected my error. 

"I'm Gibert Actually."

"Oh Gibert?"

"Or Gabriel works," he laughed.

"Maybe boy G." I said as I caressed the back of his head.


"You like that?"

"Oh yeah," he said quickly to get back to sucking my bulge.

He looked up at me.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it!"

“You’re good,” I exclaimed, referencing the way he would put his entire mouth on my bulge and then barely teasing it with the tip of his tongue.  He knew how to play my dick just as well as I was going to play him.”

There is an art to being an excellent cocksucker and he definitely mastered it.

Like a guitarist playing his guitar; strumming the strings back and forth with his tongue and then digging into a climatic crescendo with his whole mouth and gently pulling back a soft decrescendo with just the tip of his tongue again.  He knew how to make me feel good.

“Thank you Daddy.”

“Thank you What!” I exclaimed. 

“Thank you Daddy,” he said louder.

I heard him the first time.  I just wanted to assert myself a bit. 

I don’t need to be aggressive.  I don’t need to be rough or mean.  That just isn’t me. 

At least not usually.

But there are certain gestures and moments in which to remind the sub that I am the Dom and that he will answer me accordingly. 

What it does is bring to life the power exchange that’s essential to getting the sub into a mood where he would sell the drawers off his ass; and give me every cent made, to be my boy.

It is then that I know I could request just about anything from him, even if it is a boundary he thought he would never cross.

"You want it?"

"Yes Daddy please," he responded. 

"You know how you're going to get it?" I asked.

"How Sir?"
Click here to continue reading.

Saturday, December 9, 2023



I saw him through the winter window
There he was prostate in the snow

Pants were down and peach so bare
Sweet peach pointed towards the air

I wonder if he really knows
Just how deep my river flows

With lust for every inch 
That belongs to him

As he takes in the rays of the sun
The desires inside have just begun

Seeing that beautiful December
Serendipitously placed 
Between his legs

Wakens an insatiable 
Quest for more

Does he even know I’m there

In the snow



Waiting and breathing in
The scent of that deep 
Abyss from between

A scent that only comes
From a real man

And only from a place 
Many dare not to go

Like a dog befriending another
I greet the scent

A practice scorned by man
Yet a way of life for the dog

And now I stand in heat

Hoping for yet one more hit

Of that beautiful roundness oh so bare
Of that sweet peach pointed towards the air

And that plump December 
Serendipitously placed

The erotic bliss 
Written all over my face

I will stand outside in the snow 


Waiting for him to look my way
And let me into the warm barn

That has invited me 
Only in My wildest dreams

Thursday, December 7, 2023

FACT #15

 FACT  #15 

Once a Daddy Always a Daddy.

Daddy is more than a title. It is more than role play. It is the continuing understanding that I will be there when needed to the best of my ability. It’s the understanding that people move on, people get into relationships, people’s role and hierarchy changes. 
But once you call me Daddy and we have made that unique chemistry, no matter where you are in life, if the dynamic is healthy and not toxic for either of us that door is always open.

Monday, December 4, 2023


 It happened.  First time in 10 years!  Daddy got fucked! 

It was definitely an experience.  To my Fucker’s neighbors: I’m so sorry about the high pitched squeals you had to endure.  I promise.  It could have been much louder had he not covered my mouth and embarrassingly told me to “Shhhhh!”

When asked by a social media friend if I had fun:

I definitely had fun. It hurt like a mutherfucker at first. 

A few factors that gave me a challenge 

1. He was Very thick. His length was alright, it was the girth that got me. 

2. He was a bit eager. He kept pushing in opposed to holding and letting me get used to it.

3. I definitely needed a thicker consistency of lube.

Once he encouraged me to relax and he let up on the pressure I was able to enjoy it more.

Sunday, December 3, 2023


 Oh how I miss
The deep penetration 
Of your words

Piercing deep
Between the river that flowed
And the kissing place

Please Read

All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.