
March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

Friday, December 29, 2023


         December 28, 2023

A few days ago I received a cruise on my Recon account from a very good looking man.  His name will not be disclosed and the only description I will give for now is his blue eyes(with a possible hint of green??) and infections smile.  Anyone who knows me knows I love a man with a gorgeous smile.

He has recently come out and he wants to experience what it is like to be with another man.  He mentioned that he doesn't have any experience
but has read a lot about BDSM.

I don't know how much he has read, nor do I know what he has read.  My job is to find out what he has read.  

Is it information on kink? Are they novels? Sexy stories?  What exactly has he read and what does he see BDSM as?

The one thing I do know is he is very new to the scene.  His profile was just created last month. English is not his first language. And out of all of the men on Recon, he chose me.

"Today I was watching some of your videos and reading your blog.  The guys that are with you are very lucky.  My first time should be with someone like you. You are very patient and respectful," he said.

Some of our conversation was through me using the English to Spanish translator until he requested for me not to.

"I hope the translation is good," I answered. 

"Even I think is better for me if you write in English, I can learn more," he replied.

We had a lot more to say; however, I will leave those things between Blue Eyes and myself.

After work I wanted him to text me after he had time to relax and unwind.  

"NowI'm home Sir," he texted.

"Good boy."

"Are you relaxed," I questioned.

"Yes Sir."

"Are you alone?"

"Yes Sir I am," he responded.

"What are you wearing?"

"Jeans and a t shirt.  Why Sir?"

"I want you to go to a comfortable spot; either a couch or the bed in your bedroom.  Take off your pants,"I ordered.

"Yes Sir,"

"Let me know when they are off."

"I did it," he replied.

"Are you in bed?"

"Yes Sir," he replied.

"What are you thinking right now?"

"I'm curious what's gonna happen," he said.

"I feel safe with you.  I don't know why but I really feel safe," he mentioned.

"I cannot be there in body, but I can be there in mind."

"Thank you Sir.  I can feel you here."

I had him take his t shirt off and I guided him how I wanted him to masturbate himself.

Prior to him pleasuring himself I asked if he liked his body and if he felt sexy.

He thought his body was okay but he didn't feel sexy. 

It took some time to get him there but he slowly found arousal in himself.

Today he mentioned that since some radical changes in his relationship status and life in general, it was difficult to get hard, but last night was very easy for him.  This arousal did not come from me alone. As a matter of fact; I was just there to guide this handsome gentleman.  The key to his arousal was to see just how desirable he is to others but most of all for him to see the sexiness in himself.


Blue Eyes,
I guess by now you have figured out your new name.  It came to me today when I was looking at your pictures.  

You asked, "What makes a man like you consider being with someone like me?"

Well I will tell you what I find extraordinarily sexy about you and let you figure out the rest.

1. Your blue eyes. The way your eyes literally pop out of the screen . They are so sexy. That is why you are Blue Eyes.

2.  Your eagerness to learn. You ask questions. You are curious and not afraid to explore.

3. Obedience.  I instructed you to take your clothes off and get on the bed and do as I told you and you did it with no hesitation. You trusted that I had something pleasant in store for you and you received your reward.

4. Every strand of hair on your legs. I could sniff every part of your body. And most likely I will.

5. Your gentle spirit. We've touched on this last night so you already know.

I know you are very eager for us to meet. So am I. I assure you when the time comes for us to do so I will make sure you are taken care of and that you and I both have a great time. But for now, the important thing is for you to be sexy and be confident that you are sexy. That is the only way I want to have you.


  1. I will be curious to see how this proceeds. Thanks.

    1. I will keep you informed. About my latest guy as well as my piss training. I reverted back to draft (because it wasn't finished) the preview remained.I now have the finished version completed. Thank you for all your tips.


Please Read

All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.