
March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

Thursday, September 28, 2023


August 24, 2023
Saturday 4:04pm
Link: LB

It was close to our meeting time and I knew I was going to need a little more time as I arrived to the hotel a late.

I messaged LB,"I'm running a little late. Can we shoot for 6:00pm?"

"Sure! No problem at all,"he responded.

"My apologies. I will see you then."

"No worries. I'm sure you can make it up somehow.
Cool I'm running behind myself."

"No worries. I'm going to jump in the shower so I can be fresh. Although I will try to leave my pits ripe for you."

He liked that message. 

LB loves the scent of man pits so I made sure not to wash my pits during the shower.
Close to 7:00pm

We started our night out with an embrace.  

Something new that I picked up is giving my subs a nice hug before we start.

Protocol is usually for the sub to strip down to his underwear as soon as he gets into the place of play, get on his knees and wait for instruction.

First of all, LB is not a sub.  Although he is open to exploring various kinks within reason, total submission would not be something that I would dive into with him.

As of late my protocol has been a warm and
inviting embrace. This practice started earlier this year with Zero as a way to bring a since of trust for meeting the first time and just giving the sub or bottom physical intimacy that not only the bottom; but I crave as well before and after play.

As we cuddled each other, I began to move my hands down to his buttocks giving them a nice squeeze. His body was so warm and his ass so damn soft. I was definitely ready to get reacquainted with those cheeks.

After a moment of groping, LB was standing in his blue jeans with his shirt off. That sexy vision of him easily prompted me on my knees.  I began to suck his dick. 

Most bottoms I've played with don't have much desire to get their dicks sucked.  But LB definitely didn't protest. And from his moans he seemed to be enjoying it quite well.

After a few minutes, he returned the favor.

Around 9ish

We migrated to the bedroom.  I got him on the bed and fucked him and fucked him some more.There were definite times when we took our breaks, moved our camera equipment around and got back to fucking.

There were so many memorable moments. But my favorite moments were listening to his moans murmurs and grunts. The sounds coming from this man was phenomenal. And then there was the intimate eye contact. 

I most definitely had a good night with LB.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Tuesday September 26, 2023
8: 37am
 I had fun with two different guys over the weekend. Both had extreme ass convulsions. It was quite pleasant to feel on my dick. And both had animal noises fucked out of them. 

One was a pup and the other was a pig.

The person I met Sunday is boy Gilbert also known as boy G. I will definitely be posting about him very soon.

He is the fellow I fucked the pig out of.

The person I met Saturday is the howling puppy.

He is a bit harder to denominate because he had both these wonderful body spasms that I definitely felt as I went deep; and he moaned, howled and growled so much like a dog. 

The sexy red lingerie he had on gave him a gentle, slightly fem touch while still maintaining his feral unbridled self.

Looking back at the video and seeing him in his lingerie ignites the moments of making his whole body quake.  Maybe he's Trembles.

Those growls though.  WOOF ! Maybe I'll anoint him boy Scooby.

Fuck!  Maybe a variation of both.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023



September 20, 2023

Out of the Four Milestones from my journey, The Exodus remains the least written about.

A lot of that has to do with the fact that there is no specific action.  

I never packed my bags up and said,"I'm out of here."

It is much easier to talk about THE SCARS, as I can illustrate specifics that lead to my Exodus. 

I can point to many of my first times in THE INITIATION.

Many of the experiences including some of the scars; as well as learning what make me and others tick continues to shape THE MAKING OF DADDY SCRUFF.

But the Exodus itself is tricky because even though I've pretty much gotten out of the leather scene / community, the play remained a part of my sexual make up. 

 I've been writing a bit more lately. 

 I'll probably be posting a bit more frequently as well. I just don't know yet. 

As of today 9/20/23, I still have 108 drafts in my computer files that I had once posted on the previous blog I lost. Some of those writings  aren't really relevant to me now some are; so I am slowly going through them and picking the gems I will post as I go. But life goes on so I will get to some as it hits me. 

I'm sure that as I process all that is going on as of late, I will be posting a lot of what is going on in my head that really has nothing to do with my sexuality but just life in general.

To keep it short, my father has taken ill. He is currently in the hospital. 

To divert from my usual self stimming behavior of pacing a hole in the rug, I am focusing my nervous energy into other soothing behaviors that are a little more productive. 

Believe it or not, cleaning helps me relax a great deal. And of course writing. Pacing, though it is a behavior that just happens,(I often don't even realize I'm doing it until my partner brings it to my attention) doesn't really help me relax because in the process I am still obsessing over the issue that is on my mind.  The other practices have been better at helping me not to focus so much on what's going on even if I am sometimes writing about what's on my mind.

You may be wondering what this has to do with The Exodus. 

Well for starters, It is during this time I am stepping further and further away from social media. X, Insta, and all the other sites I'm just having less time for them. Yeah I poke my head in every now and then but I'm just not feeling them. This is my break from them for awhile. 

Even though this blog can be considered social media, it has a totally different vibe than the other platforms that basically feeds their viewers with a lot of noise.  The last thing I need right now is noise.

There really isn't much more for me to touch on for now but I'm sure this is not the last of what I have to share.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


September 19, 2023

 I decided after having so many issues with my cell connection, it was time to get a landline.  

After a few minutes of going through automation I got in contact with someone.

The person sounded like a young male with an Asian accent. 

"Welcome to (fill in whatever phone company )how may I help you?"

I let him know that I was interested in getting a land line.

Of course every operator has a script with some selling point.

"So who is your internet provider?"

"I'm very happy with my internet.  I just need a landline."

He continued with his script, "Have you heard of the new...... (insert whatever new phone)

"Actually I have. I hate those phones!"

He laughs.

I told him we got a new version of our flip phones.

That was the turning point of our conversation. He actually talked about his distain for one of the big name companies which sparked a tirade of shitting on various brands and companies with their shady tactics. He kept it real. The more I talked with this guy the more I really enjoyed his vibe. 

We somehow started talking about the various music subscriptions and how much of a rip off they are. 

He asked me about the type of music I listened to and he shared his interest. It was like chatting with a familiar friend. We actually spent 30 minutes on the phone talking about our favorite singers and just taking in general. 

I then interrupted,"If you can hold one moment, I just want to make...."

He then interrupted me, "Oh my gosh! No, no! I'm supposed to transfer you. I'm so sorry sir!"

"Oh no! That's okay!"

"Im going to transfer you right now."


I had to let him know how much I enjoyed chatting with him.

"You know, I just want to say I really really appreciate your help I know we went off on a totally different topic but I had a great topic talking to you.  I wish more people had your customer service skills like you. Honestly."

He replied, "You know of all the customers, you are the nicest customer I've talked today. And somehow I'm still in a positive energy, like nobody can get me down. Of all of the complaints and people want to report me I'm still in a good mood."

"Well, thank you for the conversation," I replied .

"Alright. I'm going to transfer you now sir."

"Alright you have a good day."

He replied,"You too sir, enjoy the rest of your day.

As small as it may seem; this is exactly what I needed to complete my day.

No matter how big or how small, it is connection that makes it all worth while. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023


FACT #11 I haven't changed my safe words since I started in 2002.

I keep it simple:

Green - The person is okay or can handle more

Yellow - Slow down or not so hard

Red - Stop

"Yellow" is usually my "Red".

My theory is: If I get to the point that person can't take anymore; The memory of that activity is most likely going to lower the rating of anticipation for future play.

If I push one's boundaries just enough for them to be on the fence of green and yellow; that threshold for pushing that anticipation rating up one or maybe even three notches is much greater.

On a scale of 0 - 10, I have taken a 0 interest to at least a 6.

Saturday, September 16, 2023


FACT # 10 I have often gone up to the hottest guy (according to my opinion) in the bar and started conversation.

Not because I’m majorly confident, but because for years I would feel like those types of guys were way out of my league.

What I’ve learned is that even the hottest guy in the club may be battling with the confidence to mix and mingle. 

I've discovered this change in behavior may spark a cool conversation, a “No thank you, not interested,” or the best piece of ass you’ve ever had.

I feel it's important to add.  I often have fears of being rejected. The one thing that helps me go through with it is understanding that they are just as human as I am with the same insecurities.  I also realize that I am a man that goes for his target.  The subject can except, reject or be a total dick. It is all part of discovering if he is worth my time or not.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Saturday, September 9, 2023


Wednesday May 11, 2022
Originally posted on my previous blog
Link: boy N

I had a very interesting phone conversation with a sexy Italian Dom.  He shared some pictures of himself.  His body is pretty much covered with hair.  He has a salt and pepper beard, shaved head, dark brown eyes and a smile that was amazing.

He sent me one picture of him smiling and another one of him smoking a cigar.

His presence is very masculine.  The image of him with the cigar in his mouth definitely displayed his Alpha presence.

We talked over an hour getting to know each other.
He shared some very intimate things with me and I with him. 

As it is, he connected to me and shared about some reservations he had toward being able to trust me enough to totally let go and be boy N.

I will call him boy N on this blog.     

He reads this blog occasionally.  I hope it makes his dick thump knowing he is now boy N.

He is very masculine and dominant by nature.  All of his life he's been in charge; So power exchange from him to me is going to be different.  But he wants it.  

I believe he's ready to tap into that side of him.  I must say I am very proud of him already.  It takes a lot to be as open as he was with me today.  We both opened up a great deal.  That is the key to great power exchange no matter how far away we are from each other.  

I am actually pretty excited because mind domination can often be much more powerful than being in the same room face to face.  It involves the sub being willing to be honest when given instructions to do something.  It requires the Dom's trust that his instructions will be carried out by his boy.  And there is something about hearing a sub's voice over the phone that is incredibly hot.

boy N's instruction for today was to make sure he does not touch his erection no matter how hard it is for him to do so.  He has been instructed to get his fingers nice and lubed and play with his butthole. But he is not to touch or stroke his cock.

The next time we talk he is to report back and share his experience and what he felt about the situation.

As much as I would like to journal his response  I will not.  This is our first experience and I  chose to keep this between him and me.

I will keep my journal up to date as much as possible.  A lot will determine what boy N is alright with.  Every journey and relationship is about trust and respect and I want boy to be as comfortable as possible.

By the way I am rock hard as I think about what we talked about and anticipating our next chat.  My drawers have been damp with my precum since 3:00pm.  It's currently 9:57pm.  I've been having raging hard ons on and off ever since.  But I have not touched myself.  Nor will I.  

I believe if I'm going to order anyone to restrain from jacking off I should have the self control to do so myself.  I don't always abstain with the sub but sometimes I will depending.

So here I sit, blue balled and sticky drawers and as elated as I possibly could be knowing that I made an amazing connection.

Saturday, September 2, 2023


 Links: LB   
           GEAR UP WEEKEND 
          SEXY DOM


I woke up.  I tossed and turned trying to get back to sleep but my hip was kicking my ass from laying on the hard ground in the tent.  Needless to say, I wasn't majorly comfortable.  

I believe I also had trouble resting because Thursday night, during my clumsy entrance into the tent; I accidentally kicked in dust.  Throughout the night I saw these tiny little bugs that I had no idea what they were.  I finally decided to spray the ground with the mosquito spray which seemed to kill them.  Finally I was able to go to sleep.  The only thing; the fumes from the spray started bugging me so I opened the tent screen to get some fresh air.

At most I got three hours of sleep.  Actually, I got less than three hours. 

It was already very warm at 6am.  I had already did way more than I needed with my various trips to and from the car; to the tent. 


I ran into a guy that I’ll call LB.  He greeted me on one of my trips from the car yesterday.  We spent a good amount of the morning getting to know each other.  He shared that he really wasn't into many kinks but he enjoyed the atmosphere of events like such.

"I usually attend the Horse Market events."

"Oh really? I went to my first HM this year, back in January,"I mentioned.

"What did you think of it," he asked.

"I had a good time. But I did have a problem keeping my erection so I didn't play much," I answered.

"That is an interesting coincidence," I played with a guy that had the same issue that night.  He told me it was his first time here.

"Oh my goodness that was totally me!" I exclaimed.

He wasn't quite convinced that it was me as it was a big venue and it wasn't uncommon for a few guys to take a bit longer to warm up.  But somehow I was sure it was him I talked to and played with. 

After spending a good time talking, I finally asked if he would be interested in playing in the dungeon later.  He agreed.

He thanked me for taking the initiative in asking as he always had a hard time asking to play. 

Time passed by as we spent a good amount of time together that day.  Time went by and my body was getting overheated so we parted for a few hours.  I spent time in my tent.  I really thought by just laying in the tent and not doing much for a few hours; I would cool me down.  It didn't really help as I was still laying in excessive heat.  Basically I was baking myself on a slow roast.  Just like any piece of meat, its best to turn it over every now and then so that it cooks thoroughly; which is exactly what I did. 

It only took a few hours to realize I was totally cooked; in which I finally got the hell out of there.

I made my way to the dungeon to cool down.  It literally felt like I was walking for miles even though it was just a few feet from my tent. 

Sometime in the afternoon.  Maybe 3ish or 4ish.

 Not too long after I went to the dungeon, LB walked in.

"I know that you are not into kink much but I would love to explore a few things with you if you don’t mind."

"Sure," he said. 

I made a mad dash back to the tent to get my bag of toys.

The dungeon was pretty active so LB pointed to the one available table so we could have a space to play.

He got on the table and I slowly moved my hands up and down his thighs giving him a sensual massage.  

Although I'm somewhat sure he was enjoying it, it didn't provide the response I was looking for.

"Can you turn over on your stomach for me please," I asked.


I turned him over and repeated what I had done on his front side.  Softly I gave him a tap on his ass.  Again, I did the same; increasing the impact.  I didn't get much response from him.  At this point I felt a bit out of my game.  A mixture of the surrounding activities, the fact that I wasn't getting the response I was looking for, and there was another thing going on.  The table was too high for me.

Usually, when I play with someone I want my body as close as possible to them. I like to whisper sexy sometimes perverted things in their ears as I spank their bottoms.

"This table isn't working for me," I pointed out.

We finally decided to just use the ground.  We took the mat that was on the table and used it on the floor.

Finally I was able to find my groove. 

"Damn, you're so fucking sexy," I whispered in his ear.


I gave him a spank harder than the others but still not majorly intense.

Smack, Smack, Smack

He let a small sigh out.

Smack, Smack, Smack

His hips began to gyrate to a slow grind at each spanking set.

We've made contact!

Suddenly all the noise and activity that was a distraction became more of a symphony of various kinksters playing their own unique part.

In the far corner to the left of us was a guy who was in the sling.  He had about four other guys surrounding him. Each guy was doing something unique to his body.  I could tell it was sending him into overdrive with sensation.  The moans coming out of this man was amazing.  

I couldn't see all that was happening over there because I had my own hot scene I was focusing on. 

I do remember Zero was playing with his nipples.
There was a guy fucking him with a fuck machine. I believe another was caressing his lower extremities.  There was another guy doing something to him.  Although I didn't know every thing that was going on I just knew they were on the verge of breaking this guy.  There was going to be some type of wire overload at some point because he had a lot going on.

Behind me was a very good looking Dom with a
tender young man.  I believe the young guy was giving the Dom head. The Dom had a very nice dick. It was long and thick.

Sexy Dom watched me as I was spanking LB and I was watching that dick going in and out of the young man's mouth.  As we were on the floor, I wanted to let my dick free.  My boner was killing me being trapped in my tighty whities and in some low-key way I wanted to show off my dick to Sexy Dom; so I pulled them down.

We spent some time on the ground messing around and kissing when LB started stroking me.  I stood up and placed his head towards my crotch. He started giving me some amazing head. It was slow. Very slow and deep. And the best part; he would look up at me as I was down his throat.

There is something so erotic about a guy on his knees that looks me in the eyes. Some of it is the power dynamic of his submissive stance.  But more than that, it's the look he has when his mouth is filled with my dick and his eyes looks into mine for validation of doing a good job.  That alone is enough to get me close and I love that I didn't have to tell him to look up. He just did it.  Needless to say,  I took great pleasure in his oral skills.

As I was receiving the glorious head, My eyes and mind was taking in all that was going on around me. Usually I like to be focused solely on the person I'm engaged with.  But this was a leather retreat and the energy was phenomenal.  Something like this don't happen everyday so I took in the guy being fucked by the fuck machine. I took in his moans as Zero played with his tits and the three other guys played with various parts of him. I took in Sexy Dom who was both seducing me with his lustful stares and his powerful throat fucking.  And most of all I took in that warm mouth of LB that was blowing the fuck out of me.

At some point the energy honed my focus between Sexy Dom, the cute bottom he was using and LB and myself.  The guys with the fuck machine packed up and left.

As LB's head was in my lap, Sexy Dom was blatantly cruising and seducing me with his eyes. It was as if the way he was staring was telling me to get between his legs and start sucking.  And to be honest my eye contact was complying to his non verbal command.

When my dick fell out of LB's mouth Sexy Dom got a good look at it.  

He had a heavy accent that I didn't pick up until later was German.

He licked his lips and with his accent he whispered, "Ah I would love that in my mouth."

There was no doubt that he saw me salivating as I complimented how I would love to taste his.

We began to feed off each other's energy as we played with our bottoms.

After awhile, they migrated to the sling once it was available.  That is where Sexy Dom really gave it to
Cute Bottom.  Their chemistry was amazing. It inspired me to change the pace with LB.  I got him on his hands and knees and I began to fuck him doggy.  

I fucked him for a few minutes.  I would have fucked him longer but my body was thirsty, tired and getting overheated again.

I looked at LB and told him that I was ready to wrap up for the time and we left the dungeon.

Please Read

All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.