

Monday, May 1, 2023


April 30, 2023

It's 4:44PM on a Sunday Afternoon.  I'm in the office of the apartment listening to an eclectic mix of music.  I call my Sunday list of tunes "Sunday Music." 

Regardless of what genre comes up next: Classical, Ambient, Hip Hop, Country, whatever it may be, It assists in my reverie as Sundays have always been my "chill" time. 

I usually play the music at a level just enough to enjoy it as background music.  Sometimes there's no music played at all.  It all depends on the mood.

Although I write throughout the week, Sundays are usually the days I get the most of my writing done since this time of the week is best for taking time to reflect and process my feelings.

Boss (my partner) is currently in the bathroom getting dressed which takes awhile.  During this time is usually my chance to take advantage of having the office to myself.  The office is very spacious. 

When we first moved in; we decided to make the main bedroom with the second bathroom, the office and take the smaller room since the office is where we spend most of our time.

Although we have two separate desks and he's on his computer and I am on mine; it is times like such  when I enjoy the solitude and ability to just get caught up in my own little world of just being.

Maybe because of my background in art and photography or maybe because I'm just a daydreamer; I could easily find my eyes glued to a golden beam of light that hits a corner of the wall and just be as content taking in the golden ambient light of the afternoon radiance that hits various parts of the office.

Sometimes thoughts run through my mind. Sometimes there’s not much going on in that head of mine.  But most of the time during that period from when ambient tones begin to warm to just about sunset when the sky displays the vast array of colors is the most peaceful times for me.

It brings back so many nostalgic memories.  My mind becomes a time capsule taking back to whatever time it chooses.  I really don’t have much say in where we go I just go wherever my mind takes me. 

I can go as far back as my childhood, to my days of high school, my church boy days, or as recent as last week.

Wherever my mind and I go, the response is usually pretty similar; laughter and joy of all the great times I had with family, friends, and / or old lovers or just by myself.  This is often married with great melancholy of what was, that may never be again.

Even driving down certain parts of my home town looks unfamiliar because of all of the “development”  that has taken place. 

Not in spite of but because of these very moments of my journeys: it allows me to understand the importance of not taking anything or anyone for granted.  Life goes by so quickly.  One blink and your fifty-two remembering when you were twenty-two; better yet ninety-two remembering fifty-two. 

It is both a bitter and sweet experience to feel and honestly, I wouldn’t change these moments for anything in the world.


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All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.