
March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Fact # 4

FACT #4 : 
Unpopular Opinion among pogonophiles:

I am not defined by my beard (despite my profile name.)

Sometimes I’m clean shaven. Talking about people losing their minds! 
I often have to provide extra therapy during those times. lol

Image cica : 2020    

Image circa May 2023

Sunday, May 28, 2023


Summer 2004
My first Folsom Street Fair Event

A young man at the age of 33 was walking down the street in full Leather uniform during Folsom Street Fair.

The clunking of his boots, the way he stepped, the clanging of the buckles on his kink outfit and the way he worked the crowd displayed a great sense of sexual confidence, virility and prowess.  

He walked through the crowd as if it belonged to him.   And even though it was just his second time at this fair, he knew he was at home.  Flirting eyes cruised him as he return the salutation.

As he continued to strut down Folsom, he noticed a different set of eyes on him.  

An older White man was looking at this young gentleman.  This man turned to his buddy that was taking studio portraits for the crowd and with the biggest grin nodded to the photographer.  It was within seconds that this older White man ran as fast as he could to flag this young Black gentleman down.  

He finally caught up to him and complimented how handsome he was and that he wanted to get some photographs with him.  The young man kindly declined but the the older gentleman would not stop pushing for just a few pictures.  

The man shared about his website that chronicled his D/s relationship with his boy and gave him a card with a link to his site.  He talked about how he loved men of color especially men with his richer skin tone.  He mentioned how much he would be honored to get a few photos with him.

The young guy was a little hesitant and really not comfortable with it; but after being begged and coaxed he finally said yes.  So he signed the model release granting the photographer the rights to use the photos and began his posing.

As he was being posed with this older gentleman, he was asked to take off his Muir cap.

He didn’t mind the request.  However, he was curious why the other guy kept his on and he was requested to take his off. 

“It’s just for the effect.” The photographer said.

For the next pose, the photographer directed the young man to get on one knee with his hands place on the other one while the White guy towered next to him.

“This pose illustrates me in a totally submissive position.” 

“That’s because I am a Dominant figure,” The guy replied.

“Well I’m definitely not a submissive,” the young guy responded back.

“If I pose in this stance I would at least like to be able to have you pose for me in the same stance I did for you.”

The older guy kind of laughed and told the young Black man that he was a well known Dominant in the community and that it wouldn’t be good for his image.

The older guy just kept on smiling in his friendly voice and kindly coaxed him once more into posing into various submissive styles.  After the session was done,  The young guy asked if he would receive at least one of the images for posing and signing the release.

The photographer said, “Sure, for $10 you can get….. for $25 you get……”

“Damn! Not even one free shot! Oh, okay.”

Being low on funds, the young Black guy kindly declined.   He really didn’t feel it would be worth buying something that he didn’t feel comfortable doing in the first place.  He figured that the man he posed with would most likely post them on his website anyway.

The next day the young man went to the older man’s website.  On the front page were the images that he 
Click here to continue reading

Sunday, May 21, 2023


Saturday night 2013
Around 11:00pm

There's a knock on the door.  No answer.  He knocks again.  Still no answer.  He knocks a third time.  This time he turns the knob to see if the door is unlocked.  The room is dark except for a small night light.

The bottom guy walks in and says,"Hello?"

There's no answer.  He slowly walks in further.


 I tell him, "Take off everything but your underwear.  Put the knee pads on, located on the table.  Get on your knees and place your hands behind your back."

"Yes Sir."

He begins to undress.  He can't quite see me.  He can only make out the outline of my body that the night light shines on.

I walk pass him to lock the door and make my way to the dresser that has a pair of solid leather restraints for his wrists so he doesn't move.

As I go behind him, I lower myself and grab his arms to restrain him with the fetters.  I stand in front of him still anonymous with my black jeans, white T- Shirt, black leather gloves and black cap covering 1/3 of my face.

Like an obedient soldier at attention, his stance is straight ahead.  The only difference is he's on his knees and his hands are behind his back, bound.

I begin to walk around him, checking out his body. He's a cute 30 something White cub.  His body is definitely thick but very well portioned from what I can see in the dimly lit room.

 Again I move in toward him with me standing in front and him on his knees.  The room is quiet except for the deep breathing coming from his nostrils.  I can see his chest rise and fall deeper as he waits.  I can see him slightly attempting to move his head up to get a better glance without being too obvious.

I tell him, "We'll see each other soon enough."

"Yes sir."

About 10 minutes goes by and he's starting to get antsy.  I can tell that he is losing his composure.  He is staring intently at the bulge in my pants.  His breathing is starting to get more shallow.  I take two steps; putting my bulge even closer in his face.  I can feel his breath on my crotch with every exhale.  We just stay there without saying a word.  After waiting about another 5 minutes he speaks:


There's no response


Still I don't respond.

By this time he is starting to squirm from discomfort.

"Please Sir! May I see it Sir?"

I ask,"See what?"

"I want to see your cock Sir."

I unbuckle my pants and unzip so that he can see my bulge in my briefs but I don't take it out.

"Is this what you want?"

"Yes sir! Please give it to me!" He begs.

"You want it? You'll have to work for it," I reply.

I walk away and pull out my light blue hanky that I place over his eyes as a blindfold.  I stand in front of him.  With both hands I pull his face toward my cock.

"Is this what you want?"

"Yes Sir! Please!"

"You want to taste my cock in your mouth?"

His dick is throbbing and he's breathing heavy as he takes in the scent of my cock in my undies. 

"Please Sir! Give it to me!"

"First you're gonna learn your ABCs.  Do you think you can handle that?"

"ABCs?" he pauses


"You sound very sure of of yourself.  Do you think you are good with your ABCs?" I ask. 

"Yes Sir!" He says.

"Show me," I snap.

He begins to quickly run off the alphabet as in a race for a medal. 


"Stop!  Again." I command.

Again he speeds through the letters in a hurry. By the time he gets to the letter "P" I interrupt. 

"Stop! This time slower." 

He recites slower.  Again I stop him and make him repeat.  This time I place my gloved finger in his mouth as he recites.  He gets to "H" and I stop him.  I have him recite again.  This time with three of my fingers in his mouth.  His pace slows down.  His speech becomes more slurred but he continues with more effort to pronounce correctly. 

By the letter "Q" I stop him again and place four of my fingers in his mouth.  This time his pronunciation is distorted and he has definitely slowed his pace.


By the letter "D" I place the four fingers deeper in his mouth.  His pronunciation becomes more slurred as my fingers get moist with his saliva.

"Louder." I command.

His words are totally inaudible. 

"Stop! Again." I command.

"I thought you were good with your ABCs?" I scoffed.

He Starts the alphabet again.  This time slower and with much more caution.

By now everything sounds inaudible.  He slobbers all over my gloves taking longer pauses.

As he is reciting I take my dick out of my drawers and put it in his mouth. 

He continues to struggle with pronouncing  the letters but they are more clearly heard than having most of my hand in his mouth.  He appears more relieved now that he doesn't have that much pressure in him.  But he still has trouble pronouncing his letters with my cock filling his mouth.

Placing my cock deeper in his mouth, I order him to continue. 

"Ahhh, urr, ahhh," he gargles and slurs as spit is running down his chin.

By this time he's drooling all over my dick trying to get the words out properly.  I just thrust my cock deeper as he begins to gag and spit. 

"I can't hear you! Louder!" 

By now he's drooling quite a bit.

"Be a good boy and finish your ABCs!"

 He begins to gag as he attempt to finish the task. Not taking my dick out his mouth; I ask if he needs a break. 

He nods "Yes." 

 By what sounded like the letter P, I let him rest keeping my dick firmly in his mouth.  He begins to look for comfort from having his jaw open for so long.  He tries to gasp without taking my dick out.   By the letter Z he was coughing and spitting on my dick like crazy. 

His wet mouth felt so good but he definitely needed a break.

When I took my cock out he dropped his head spent from the physical task he went through; yet eager to take my load.

"Please Sir.  May I have your load," he asked numerous times.

I never said yes.  I never said no.

I removed the restraints from his arms, kissed him on the forehead and told him I had a great time.

Needless to say he was a little disappointed.  But like we negotiated online; I said, "Play for me is not about me getting off or getting you off but about the erotic power that is given to me."

"If you are interested I may cum next visit.  But then, I may not.  Give me all of you and you may get your wish."

"I did give all I have." He whined.

"I know I'll have all of you; when at the end of our play, you won't need to ask for anything else."

I gave him my phone number to make sure he had it. 

He called me like three times after that and we got together those times but no other time with him was as good as the night I taught him his ABCs.

Please Read

All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.