
March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

Monday, November 20, 2023

FACT # 13

FACT  #13

Up until my late 30s I was pee shy. Even during water sports and a full bladder, I had a difficult time delivering the goods. That kind of changed. 

After years of living with my partner who never closes the door when he pees (unless when company is over.) I guess his pissing habits influenced me. Now I have his habits.  I still have difficulty voiding.  Even when I am undoubtedly in need to go; doing it on or in someone can be a challenge.  Eventually I get there and my play recipients are happy also. But it takes awhile.


  1. If it's any consolation you certainly aren't alone. Something I've struggled with my entire life to this very day. It's so frustrating and I simply don't understand the mechanics behind it. My brain says, "Let it Flow" my body says, "Not until I say the conditions are perfect". Needless to say, it puts a huge damper on certain play activity.

    1. Yes. It is so strange how that works. It as though It literally has a mind of its own. I wonder why they call it also the head. lol

    2. I wondered why they called it the head too, so I googled it. It's a nautical term from ancient sailing days. The wind was always blowing from the rear of the ship, so the men went to the bow or head of the ship to relieve themselves. The name stuck and now we know.

  2. Never into water sports. But had a tough time trying to piss with anyone around right up until my military days. Basic training sort-of beat it right out of me. But, every once in a while, I still have trouble depending on who is in the room and whether my brain feels "safe."

    1. Oh I remember elementary school was crazy.
      During bathroom breaks every one would go and the teacher would get so frustrated because he / she didnt understand why I'm raising my hand to go to the bathroom right after break.

  3. It sounds like you need my WS 101 primer. It talks about how I trained myself to be able to piss anywhere.

    1. Oh my goodness ! How do I enroll ? I am all ears! I do wish to be able to overcome this. No pun intended but it does put a damper on play sometimes.


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All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.