
March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

Sunday, January 5, 2025


January 4, 2025

Since it looks like Logan will be in town for a little while, I figure I would pick him up to go to the local men's club in Sacramento. 

Logan in no way has any problems with learning his way around the city.  He learns the way of the land and how to get where he wants or needs much quicker than any other I have seen.  I am sure he knows the public transportation system better than I do.  I figure since he's here and I don't have anything to do this Saturday, I will pick him up so he doesn't have to deal with public transportation.

About 8ish

We pay our fare, get our towels and keys to our designated lockers, strip down and wrap our towels around our waist and migrate to the area where all the men are.

For some reason I keep my shirt on.  

When Logan sees me, he says, "Oh. You didn't remove much clothing did you?"

By now it is just a habit for me to keep my t-shirt on.  For the longest time I was very self conscious about my midsection (Read: THURSDAY 2:45AM. and THE BATTLE STILL RAGES) but over the weeks I  have been getting my weight down.  Now it is really more of a "I forgot to take off my shirt" kind of thing or "It's fucking freezing," type of deal.

 Logan and I almost always share two totally different experiences going here.  I never have any high expectations when I go to this place.

The music here is bangin'. I am actually pleasantly surprised by the selection tonight.  It has a smooth house groove to it without being overly hyped like the techno they often play.

As I walk by, there is a good-looking Latino guy that makes eye contact with me.  We exchange glances but when I migrate over he looks around the spot and looks right through me as if I was invisible.  Maybe I misread his body language.  I doubt it.  There are so many personality types here.  This one is "the reel you in but only want your attention long enough for self validation" personality type.

Okay, so it's going to be that type of night tonight. 

Meanwhile Mr. Friendly Logan is riding this guy in the fuck van making it rock it back and forth while guys are either watching or staring at each other waiting for someone, anyone to make the first move. 

I am glad Logan is getting his booty busted.  I am just here for the ride.  Whatever happens, happens.  

I walk past the showers.  There is a gentleman that I notice from the last Interrogaytion.  

He is a White man, possibly 50+ with a gray beard and hair.  His hair is long but he seems to keep it in a ponytail.  He is a thin man about 5'7" or 5'8".

"Hey I know you! Well I don't know you, but I've seen you at the last Interrogaytion," I mention.

"Yes. I was there.  You do look familiar."

"Well it's good to see you again."

"I'll see you out there."

I walk down the hallway.  There is a good-looking White guy, tall with a ginger soul patch.  The hair on his head is more brown than ginger.  

I walk up near him and ask if I may feel his chest.  He says yes.  I begin to caress his chest.  I begin to lick his nipples, going down until I get to his crotch.  

He opens his towel.  I open my mouth.
I begin to suck on his cock.  It is already pretty thick flaccid.  It really starts to grown as it plumps in my mouth. 

Although my oral skills got him up, he is preoccupied with checking out the scene around him.  Basically he's searching for the one he really wants while getting fluffed.  As thick as his dick is and as good as it taste, I know he's not fully engaged.  It is not long that he excuses himself and goes after the guy he really wants.

I'm not bothered by it.  I wasn't even expecting that to be honest.  

At that moment Ponytail walks up.  I'm still on my knees.  Well since I'm down here, I might as well get to work.

I start to give Ponytail all that I got with my head game.  I must be doing a good job.   There is a small crowd that forms to watch.  He whispers in my ear,"Do you wanna sixty nine?" 

I openly oblige.  We get on the bed next to the fuck van.  We sixty nine on our sides for a very long time. We finally switch positions as he gets on top and I am on bottom sucking each other.  After a while, my jaw is getting sore.  I call for a break.

As I walk past the sling, I see a bunch of guys in a circle watching Logan getting pounded.  He is making his rounds pretty well.  The rest of my time is spent just walking around. But I do believe I saw Logan sucking some guy off in the van.  He seems to be a big fan of the fuck van.

Around 11:30pm possibly 

We get ready to leave.  

Logan is hungry so we get something to eat.  We chat for a while and I go home.  Maybe later I will tackle the conversation we had.  It had to do with our experiences and how they differ and why.  But for now I am finishing up my entry and going to enjoy the rest of my morning and day writing, while I listen to my Sunday Music.

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All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.