
March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

Sunday, January 7, 2024


A summer night in 2003 
A local leather bar in Sacramento  Ca.
An original post from my previous blog

It was a pretty warm Saturday night.  I will say it was the summer of 2003.  I stepped into a local bar that I visited often.  My main objective was to get some tail or at least blow in someone’s mouth. 

Cruising was still pretty popular back then.  There was an especially hot place just out side of the bar right between the bar and another building .  

It was a very narrow gap between the two buildings.  The space between the two buildings had to have been no more than 3 feet wide.  I’m sure if I stretch my arms out I could have easily touched both sides. 

Down this long alley way (if it would even be considered that) guys would go to get, receive head, fuck, get fucked make out or whatever. 

Since it was a leather bar it would be packed with guys in their leather outfits, guys in jockstraps, or sometimes nothing at all.
Going back there always intrigued me because it felt like I was home. 

It was dark; although in the right time of night the moon would provide just enough brilliance for one to see the faces and bodies of those doing their things. 

There was this strange line between being at home and wanting to crawl out of my skin.  Tight spaces have never been a strong point for me.  In my civilian wear I felt like “this shit’s too much!” 

But whenever I put on my jeans, my leather boots and gloves along with my leather vest (Sometimes I wore my jacket ) I felt safe.  I felt like I was among my tribe.  At least most of the time.  Most of the time it was my jeans, vest, leather gloves and my black baseball cap.  I often wore my baseball cap just over my brows so that I could see where I was going but barley enough for anyone to see my eyes.  I preferred it that way and basically still do.

I attempted to maneuver my way into the packed area.  There was no way I was getting in there.  That little space would be jam packed with bodies.  If you weren’t down that alley way by a certain time there was no way you were getting in until whom ever was done.  In the same token if you were claustrophobic this was not the place for you to be because it would be awhile before you were going anywhere. 

I remember this particular time going back there, I met this White guy probably in his mid forties with glasses.  He didn’t even look like he belonged in a place like that.  He looked more like he should be doing someone’s taxes instead of being in a seedy place as such.

I can’t remember his name.  Let’s call him Steve.  

“Hi I’m Steve.”

I offered my hand,”Mark nice to meet you.”

“I haven’t seen you here before,” Steve said.

“I come here every so often.  As many times as I been here I’m just learning about the alley way.” 

This was not my first time learning about the alley. I’ve visited times before. Even before my intro to Kink. 

“Ahh cool.  So what kind of guys are you into,”  he said.

“Honestly I’m into various types. I just like meeting new people.  And you?”

“I really like Black guys.” He said, looking at me sheepishly.

“ I hope you don’t take offense, but you don’t look like you should even be here.” 

He let out a loud laugh. “Yeah I get that often.”

“Leather is not really not my thing but the alley is pretty nice. You want to join me?”

“I’ll be in there in a moment.” I told him.  I wanted to cruise around a bit before going back there.  I went back into the club for about ten minutes.  

“Not much going on there,” I said to myself.

I decided to go into the alley way to find Steve.  It took awhile to push through the crowd.  There were guys everywhere like sardines in a can.  I looked a little to my right.  There was a huddle of four Black dudes and right in the center of the huddle was this thin White guy on his knees getting face fucked.  I push my way in to make sure I was really seeing what I was seeing.  It was that mild mannered, almost  geeky but cute guy that was kindly making my acquaintance.

 Not Steve on his knees like some slut taking in as much cock that would fit in his mouth! 

All the illusions I had of this nice and innocent dude was shattered. 

I turned around and kind of chuckled at the scenario and thought,”Well since he’s down there!  Why the hell not!” 

The four gentlemen that was surrounding him motioned me over.  You better get some of this while it’s still fresh!”  

We all chuckled at that comment;  Well all but Steve.   He was busy with four mouth fulls.  I came up as contestant number 5. The biggest one shot his load first.  There was the hot one with the dreads that had the biggest dick.  The guy with the dreads pulled out, looked at me and said, “It’s all you bro.”  

I never been a fan of sloppy seconds, let alone thirds but this guy had a talented mouth. Normally it takes awhile for me to cum.  But he milked that load out of me in at least 6 to 7 minutes. 

I stayed for the last 2 to shoot in his mouth. My drawers were moist from both his spit and the left over cum after my draining. 
“Man! That was hot. I know he must be worn out.” I said.

“Oh there’s more.  He lets us go first because he loves the dark meat. But he’ll be there for a minute,” the guy with the dreads said. 


He gave me that look like,”Bitch! Do you think I’m joking ?”


We just started laughing.

We introduced ourselves and he went on his way. I stayed for about 45 minutes after.  Just before I was going to leave, Steve  comes into the bar. 

“Oh you’re leaving now?” He said.  When he said that he had the most foul dick breath you could imagine!  He had not just us five, but how ever many more that fuck his mouth for the following 45 minutes. 

“Well it was a pleasure to meet you.” He breathed in my face.

“Yes, the pleasure was all mine.”

I turned around and got the hell out of dodge.

I never saw Steve after that one time. But I’m sure he’s on his knees serving some Black dude.  Let’s just hope he remembers to pop a mint before he makes conversation with anybody.

This all took place about a year after my Initiation in 2002 (so around 2003) although I visited that alley many times before my Initiation. 
There were some sleazy, hot times that happened in that back alley.  The bar is still there but the alley area has been closed off since about 2013.


  1. I can honestly say that I've never had the alley experience. Parking lot, though....
    Happy New Year!

  2. Oh yes! those were some hot times. And see I have never done a parking lot! wonderful experiences we all can share! Happy New Year my friend!


Please Read

All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.