
March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

Monday, December 23, 2024


About ten years ago, Christmas time fast forward to now.

As I walked into the facility to meet the new client, all the staff workers wished me luck.  They informed me just how stubborn and mean he could get at times.  

Walking into residential care facilities, assisted living, and people's homes can sometimes bring a sense of anxiousness.  I believe it is natural to have some nervousness about what the dynamic of any relationship would be, whether professional or personal.

Working as a caregiver has given me somewhat of an ability to take sure blows without making them personal.  I was there to care for my clients to the best of my ability.  

Though companionship can be one of the essentials for job performance, what my client thinks of me (good or bad) does not determine the quality of care I provide. Sometimes, it's a dirty job, literally. The pay often sucks, but it is what I'm good at.  Ironically, being the introverted person I am, the job allows me to have that human connection and get me out of the bubble I sometimes create without actively knowing.

Walking into the client's room, I heard him and the staff sparing over whether he was going to the restroom.

"I don't have to go!" He called out fervently.

"Mr. ___, Just try to go.  If nothing happens then fine.  I just need to make sure you are dry before I leave my shift.”

"Hello!" I interrupted.

"Oh hi.  I'm just getting Mr____ to the toilet right now.  He's being his usual self right now."

"What is that supposed to mean!" He yells. 

"Mr ___this is your caregiver for the week.  You be nice to him and don't give him....." 

"Hi Mr ___  I'm Mark." I interrupted.

"You know I can help him since I'm here," I said to the staff worker.

"Do you mind If I assist you?" I asked.

"Whatever!" He snapped.

The off going shift left leaving me with the client.

"I really don't have to go!  I just want to read my damn paper in peace!" Mr_ yelled.

"Okay sir, If you feel you don't have to go let's get you in your chair so you can relax."

We migrated to his recliner where he spent some time reading.  

"If you need anything I just give me a holler."

"Yeah," he mumbled uninterested. 

After about 20 minutes I checked up on him. I sat next to him and struck up conversation.  Quickly he interrupted me.

"Okay let's just get this straight. I don't need any small talk or shooting the breeze or any of that crap!  I am sure you are a nice person but I just like my space.  It's nothing against you I just want to be left alone for just a few minutes.  Please!"

I looked him in the eyes, smiled and said, "Sir, I totally understand.  I will just be in the other room if you need me.  Can I offer you something to drink?"

For the first time he smiled and said calmly, "I would love some apple juice.  Thank you."

I got him his juice went in the other room and left him the hell alone until he needed my service with occasional peeks in to see how he was.

After about two hours into my shift, he asked me to fix him a sandwich in which I did.

"Are you going to fix you a sandwich," he asked.

"I brought my own lunch.  I might as well have my lunch as well,"I said.

"Have a seat!" He said invitingly.

He apologized for being short fuzed and explained that everyone sees him as a grumpy old man. The truth is that he has his ways and even if he feels like he is fine with a little time to himself others try to force him to be this social butterfly that he obviously is not. 

He shared some interesting stories about himself. He also talked about the woes of not feeling like he has a voice and that the older he gets, the less people listen to how he feels about things opposed to what they feel is best.

It is a culture and attitude not only in healthcare but in life as well.

What I discovered about this elderly loner is that he was in many ways like me.  Not just me but many of us who, whether we want to see it or not are getting closer to those elder stages than we care to realize.

I also discovered a very pleasant gentleman that actually enjoyed company and sharing parts of his life with people who cared to listen.  I discovered  that listening to what people have to say is sometimes better than spurting off one's on ideas of their perspective of a person.

I know people who have spent a great deal of their lives pleasing others or trying to please others only to be miserable because they neglected their own needs and or desires to walk a certain path because others were too busy trying to steer them in the path they would like.

The one thing I've learn from my week stay with this gentleman is that everyone needs space and needing space doesn't make that person bad, mean or grumpy.  It means he, she or they deserve to have their space and not everyone has the same views. 

When asked if he would like to join in the decorating of the Christmas tree.  He took the deepest breath he could, rolled his eyes and said, "I don't celebrate Christmas.  It is not something I care to participate in."

I kindly interrupted and said,"Sir. I totally understand how you feel.  Like I said before, 'I'm here for you.' 

Just let me know how I can assist you." 

The rest of the night he kicked my ass in checkers. 



But I got my revenge in the last game

After my shift I followed up with the staff.  I told them how he really doesn't enjoy holiday events but we had a fun time playing checkers and talking.

The funny thing, actually the sad thing about their reaction was the total disbelief that this grumpy old man would actually open up so quickly to a new guy like me.

"It was pretty simple. I listen to him.  I gave him his space when he wanted and let him decide the atmosphere he wanted.  Also, I understand convincing him to participate in the holiday celebrations can be difficult so I didn't try.  I did offer other social activities such as checkers in which he is excellent."

"Mr_ plays checkers?"

Oh, there was no hiding the look on my face.  If I would have stayed one more second I would have laughed in their faces.  It was actually so sad it was hilarious.

Some people choose not to follow certain holidays for whatever reason.  And no.  You are not entitled to know what those reasons are if the person chooses not to share. 

Friday, December 20, 2024


Friday 13, 2024
About 12:00pm

The day has come.  I am getting my stuff ready to go to San Francisco for their fourth Interrogaytion event.  For me it will be my second.  I'm attending as a guard.  The last time I attended, I was a deputy.  

To understand more of the theme read THE INTERROGAYTION.

I decide that this time I am not going to bring as much to the event.  Just my lube, condoms and a few other items.  

Even though I hardly Bareback I decide to go with my 2-1-1 Prep routine just in case I do here and there.  12 noon I take my two pills and pack my Doxy as well.  

Around 8:00pm

I arrive late due to traffic and leaving later than expected.  When I get in, I show my ID and get my number.  I Strip naked and put my belongings into the bag given at coat check. 

Normally I would have some type of jockstrap or outfit on for the event.  This time I am going with my black ball cap of course, my leather cock ring and black gloves.   I decide to be nude.  I normally overheat with a bunch of stuff on so I'm keeping it simple.  I look at my leather wallet holster.  I debate if I want to bring it or not.  It has my lube and condoms in it.  I make my mind up not to bring it.  

I decide this event, I'm going to go bare.  That means no condoms what so ever.

This would be my first time.  

This wouldn't be my first barebacking but my first time doing it in such a capacity.  I have always been more heedful in whom I have unprotected sex with.

One being that I am coming from a generation that used protection after the AIDS crisis.  It has become second nature now.  The second being that I've always viewed that as something I do with a small circle of people that I have built a special connection with.    

No more contemplating. 

I decide to leave the holster in the bag and just go with just me.  

Since I get in late, everyone is already fucking.  The sounds of men moaning, screaming and flesh slapping against each other; added with the rattling of the slings, brings a dark and almost ominous air to the atmosphere.  Anyone unfamiliar with what is going on behind the black curtain would probably hesitate going past the dark threshold.  For the rest of us, it is the call that we are home.

At this point, the times of and order in which things happen may or may not be out of order.  Everything is a blur once behind the black curtain.  There are no devices, no sense of time, just 100% fucking.

I walk into the venue.  To my right is a couch with three inmates with their asses poked out waiting to be plugged.  To my left is a sling with a guard railing a guy that sounds very familiar.  I have heard those moans before.  Even though the inmates are hooded, I can totally recognize my buddy.  It's LB and he's taking it hard and deep.

The sights and sounds are arousing but I'm not fully up yet.  Honestly, I'm inquisitive and yet tentative on whether I am on board with sticking my dick into a bunch of unknown assholes I have no knowledge of.  

To help get my mind into a groove, I look down at my not quite semi hard dick, lube up and slowly stroke.  

The aesthetic of the leather cock ring around my freshly trimmed cock and balls starts to get me more aroused.  I've also lost about 15 pounds in the last few weeks; so my belly is no longer eclipsing my erection.  I actually feel much sexier these days. 
I look down as I stroke my dick with my leather cock ring.  I apply a bit of lube.  I walk towards the couch.  I migrate towards the first inmate at the end with his ass poked out.  He has fair skin; not much color to him, almost alabaster. 

I walk up to him and touch his backside to let him know I am behind him. As I stick my finger in to test the waters, I begin to grow.  Slowly I insert myself into him.  He lets out a moan almost as a sigh of relief.  It’s warm, moist and just the right fit.  I go in and begin fucking. 

"Oh yeah! Fuck yes! Fuck!" He repeats over and over as I pick up the pace.

Click here to continue reading

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Normally I don't duplicate my post entries.  I would usually direct a suggested read to the link of the blog it came from.  In this case I will do both. Stroke 10 Is an account from my blog THE MASTURBATION CHRONICLES . It is much more under the radar than this blog; so it doesn't receive the traffic that this one does and I am totally alright with that. "The Chronicles" is more of a side project that is still one of my babies.  However I am discovering that my masturbation journey and my kink lifestyle often intertwines with each other.  I'm sure because of this, there may be a few stories from my bate journal that will be shared on this blog as well.

November 28, 2024

I knew there was a reason I kept that empty sparkling water bottle.  

If we’re being honest, sparkling water does nothing for me.  It is in no way my jam.  

I figured since I'm cutting down on my sodas, I’d try it as a substitute.  Well, it didn't satisfy my taste buds but the bottle was surely put to good use.


I squatted myself in front of the camera dressed in a black t-shirt, my signature black leather jacket and  white socks with red and blue stripes at the cuff.  I had my shades on with my black leather gloves in my tighty whities. 

I set the photo timer to get a few selfie shots standing and posing for the right moment.  Slowly I began rubbing between my legs; not just my dick, but my balls and taint as well.  I started to get hard. 

I decided not to take my dick out of my drawers.  Since I've been into ass play lately, I decided to focus on that area.

A few weeks ago I purchased a bottle of sparkling water.  After finishing it, I decided to wash it out and put it with my stash of toys.

I got the bottle out, laid on the ground with my legs open and looked for the entry to my hole.  I pushed and pushed until the material of my underwear would no longer allow.

I had made a distinguishable imprint in the underwear so that it was noticeable where I was pushing.  

Using a key from my keyring, I punched a small hole right in the center of the imprint.  With my fingers I widened the rip.  I grabbed the bottle and began to push.  The hole was not big enough.

I took my leather gloves off and replaced them with my black, disposable, nitrile gloves.

Again, I ripped the hole a bit wider.  I picked up some lube and the bottle.  I lubed up the neck of the bottle so that it was well oiled along with my gloved fingers.  I squatted down to the ground and greased up my fuck hole with plenty of white lube.

I sat down and began a slow bounce as the neck of the bottle invaded my anal canal.  

Eventually I laid back, spread my legs and pushed the neck in and out while on the ground spread eagle.  

I had enough.  It didn't last very long.  I am still very tight.  As a matter of fact I'm so tight you could hear the suction when the bottle popped out of my hole.  

This one was definitely a fun one.  I look forward to many bottle rides.  Whether someone pounds my pussy into next Wednesday is yet to be known.  But for now I am enjoying breaking my "fairly good condition" cherry in with assturbation.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


Every so often I choose a post or more from fellow bloggers,  maybe a book I read, or Sometimes I will go through my own blog and reread something mainly as a way of proof-reading. 

Today I was reading THE GREAT P🍒SSY DEBATE.  It is a topic that continues to spark conversation and even some controversy.  We all have our opinions and practices.  The beauty of being different is having a unique perspective on various topics yet still having the choice to decide whether to agree or not while respecting the rights of others who choose their own paths.

This is Today's Pick.

Sunday, December 8, 2024


Some time last year

Warning: If you suffer from White fragility, this may ruffle your delicate feathers.  You've been warned.

Some time last year, I was on my X account scrolling through my timeline.  

I came across a clip from a production company that specializes in Black, Bi, kink porn.  The producers were sharing clips for promotion to their site. 

I found it rather mesmerizing as it is very rare that I see bisexual porn featuring nothing but black men and women.

The clip showed five guys gang banging this one lady before turning on each other.  I just had to visit this page to see more.

There were clips of man/woman, man/man, woman/woman and mixed orgies.  Every scene was fucking hot.

Scrolling through the comments, I read one that was more of a suggestion from a White viewer.

The suggestion was,"More interracially mixed would be better.  I'm just saying."

I replied with, "Nah, we good."

I continued, "As much as I'm all for interracial bondage kink; C'mon! Just look at my page! lol
We need more Black Bondage / Kink representation.

Social media is bombarded with a Eurocentric perspective of sex, kink, fashion etc.

It is definitely not hard to find white men engaging in all kinds of kinks.  It is also not hard to discover interracial porn and kink.  But, Black porn that doesn't include a White face is very rare.

All Black porn is very much needed because the more we get used to 'Black porn', (that is really just interracial porn) the more the message is sent: We can't be sexy unless there is a White man or non- Black man in our content.  It is a conditioning I am all too familiar with.

Our sexiness don't need to rely on another race to be so.

So. Nah, we good.

Saturday, December 7, 2024


There are so many ways to find self pleasure.  Masturbation is not just an activity of stroking one's dick up and down.  I have and continue to discover various ways to get the most out of Self pleasure.  Stroke 9  from THE MASTURBATION CHRONICLES is a description of only one of the many ways to reach an orgasmic finale.

I look forward to you reading and enjoying at Stroke 9 .

Sunday, December 1, 2024


An excerpt from my latest entry. Read the full version of STROKE 8.

... I have been told that I am a good cocksucker. However, I want to work on my stamina and deep throating skills.

Since my last bronchial infection, my gag reflex has been lacking.  I begin to go down.  I am unable to reach my normal capacity due to my bronchial spasms.  However, having an object down my throat is just what I need to get me in the mood to be a good hole...

Please Read

All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.