Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 FORTY - ONE WINKS is an entry I’ve enjoyed from fellow blogger TOMASS HAWKKE . It's one lone picture. But is one of those that will keep you cumming back, or make you want to cum on his back.  It is definitely a new favorite image in my book. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


I'm actually planning on copying Today's Pick, MASTURBATION to The Masturbation Chronicles and just renaming it Stroke 8 there since it so easily falls in line with the concept of that blog.

Lately my Bate life has been pretty much non existent.  Although I have had some good cruising moments, (Daddy's been a hungry cocksucker lately)
I miss those hot Bate sessions of just me and my horny body.  I will get back into the groove once I finally have the opportunity and time. But for now I will just recap on some of my pass sessions such as this one.

Sunday, October 13, 2024


 Saturday October 12, 2024

It is Saturday morning.  I start some of my cleaning chores early to get done in a fair amount of time.  After  loading my dishwasher and other chores, I decide to go for a drive out to That Park.


I'm just out here.  I have no agenda but if something goes down, I am ready.

I go down by the levee where men disappear into the shrubbery.  It is pretty slow right now.  There is one Black guy in the bushes. 

I'm really not very attracted to him physically.  I am not one hundred percent sure what it is.

He's about mid forties, 5'10".  He has a beautiful, dark skin complexion.  His skin is as dark as a Hershey's chocolate bar.  I do find my dark skinned brothas quite sexy. 

But something about him is kind of off for me as far as attraction.  He is on the chunky side.  I know for certain that's not it.  I get down with all types of shapes sizes and colors.  I think his velvet blue sweat suit which is way too tight for his shape,  his short fro matched with his oversized seeing glasses reminds me of Eddie Murphy's character Sherman Klump from the Nutty Professor.  Not a very sexy sight in my opinion. 

We play the "You go first" game way longer than I care to continue to pursue.  

About ten minutes to 9:00AM

I see an Asian man; maybe in his late twenties, early thirties.  He can't be any taller than 5'6".  He's wearing a striped collared, short sleeve shirt and some faded jeans that fit him perfectly.  They are not so tight you have to peel them down, nor are they so baggy that it takes away from that sexy shape of that round booty of his. 

We make eye contact but I am unsure if he is interested.  I try not to generalize certain groups, but I don't have much luck with Asian men.  They just don't be feeling me for some reason.  However, this guys seems to have some kind of interest. 

In the past I would feel awkward and even guilty for pursuing someone else when someone I'm not attracted to is pursuing me.   But now I just accept that attraction is attraction.  I've been there my self.  I've learned to just keep it moving in those situations.

I move in closer to Asian Dude.  He slowly lowers his pants.  I do the same but I don't take it out.  He pulls his out.   It is already hard.  When I see it, I immediately think of a profile I saw that mentioned that he is 4.5 inches.  The guy warned me that it is not big and I shared with him that I just wanted to taste that dick.

I'm thinking to myself, "Great practice."

I get on my knees and begin to go down on him.  I grab him by the waist and bob up and down.  My mouth begins to fill with saliva and it starts to thicken.  It's about to get a little sloppy.

Although his dick isn't reaching the back of my throat, it is filling the space in my mouth that is getting it wet.  My dick as well.  For a moment I am multi tasking by reaching in my pocket for my lube to stroke as I bob up and down.

Asian Dude motions to Black Dude.  Black Dude comes over.  Asian Dude wants Black Dude to take his out.  I'm thinking maybe I may have two cocks for breakfast.  He never takes it out.  He just spurs Asian Dude on.  Black Dude: though he looks a lot like professor Klump, He is somewhat on the aggressive side.  He's hitting AD in the chest with his open hand.  AD appears to be loving it. At one point BD is behind me pushing my head into AD's crotch making it go deeper into my mouth.

Numerous times AD holds my head down and makes me hold it.  This has always been a challenge but I seem to be doing well with his length.  As he violates my mouth he pinches my right nipple causing me to hate and love it at the same time.  I don't care what anyone says.  Some smaller guys have a lot in their package.  He knows how to be dominant and get me to enjoy/hate his torture all while face fucking my throat.  

I can't hold it.  I shoot my load splattering on the ground.  This goes on for a while until we hear another car pull up from a few feet away.

Asian Dude looks at Black Dude in amazement, "Look at this! He's still coming!"  

Needless to say, I cum quite a bit.

I get up off my knees. We all smile at each other and I thank them both and leave.  I go home well satisfied from my pre breakfast, breakfast.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


LINKS: boy N 

Originally posted on my previous blog
                                        May 22, 2022

I had a suspicion when boy N texted he was unavailable, that he had second thoughts about continuing with our arrangement.  I didn't say anything I just waited for him to text whenever he had time.

May 23, 2022

boy N texted, "Hello Sir."

"Hello how you. What are you up," I responded.

"Sir! I was masturbating, then I fell asleep.  How's everything in Daddy's world?"

I responded,"I would like to speak with you on the phone.  When will you be available?"

"I'm available now, Sir."

I was disappointed that he had masturbated taking that we had roughly arranged to having our calls  near the beginning of each week.  

A part of me felt like this was his way of testing me or maybe even letting me know that he's going to touch himself anytime he feels like it.  There was also the reality that boy N is a Bator.  This is just what he does.  It might not have even entered his mind what he did and since we never made any solid commitments to any type of dynamic, all is open.

We chatted for awhile and I shared with him how I felt.  

"What I would like to do is make Mondays the days we get the opportunity to talk and if you have other arrangements that's fine. But I would like to make Mondays a day reserved for me as far as not touching yourself until I've said it's okay."

There was a very long pause.

I asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm just thinking through my days and wondering if this is going to be difficult for me."

I asked,"What do you think would make it difficult?"

I already knew the answer.  

"Well, I'm not used to answering to anybody," he replied.

"Ahh! Bingo!" I said.

"And I'm not used to restraining myself if I want to jerk off," he replied somewhat defensively.

There was another pause of dead silence between us.

"So, that's what I'm thinking."

As we came to a close, he agreed to call or text me in the following days regarding his decision on whether he was willing to go along with the arrangement or not.

June 3, 2022

I checked my text messages.  I received a message yesterday from  him.  After giving what we talked about some thought, he decided to discontinue training.  He thanked me for our time together and my willingness to train him.

I must say I am not surprised.  I'm not even disappointed.  

Since getting back into the groove of playing, I have a different perspective.  I don't pounder or wonder what went wrong, what I possibly did or didn't do, or try to convince anyone why they should play or continue to play with me.  I simply let be what will be.

I will say this.  I enjoyed talking with him.  

Even though it didn't work with us in a D/s dynamic I would love to continue to chat with him and get to know him as a friend.  But at the end of the day that too is up to him. I am here to open the door. It is up to the other party / parties to walk through.

Looking at The Four Milestones one would probably see this as part of THE SCARS  However I see it as THE MAKING OF DADDY SCRUFF.  This was in no way a negative experience.  It was one man coming to the realization that being submissive is not for him.

Also I am fully aware that this is an online dynamic.  We are on opposite sides of the country.  I get that inclination to commit to any type of arrangement is very low if not committed in some type of partnership.

For me this is all part of The Making of who Daddy Scruff is, who I strive to be and determination to get there.  I am learning the importance of being clear and concise of what my expectations are in play.  And not settling for anything less even if it means losing a few play partners in the interim.

As read above, this took place back in 2022.  There was a period when boy N and I didn't chat for awhile.  I can't remember if it was weeks or months. I somehow lost our messages to properly determine the gap.  It is totally possible I erased them in one of my purging sprees.  But we have since started talking again. I learned for him, that his desire to be "boyish" is different from being submissive; a concept that as a versatile man understand to a degree.  But as a Dominant still trying to wrap my head around.

I wanted to post this now to somewhat reintroduce him to my readers as he has made quite an impact recently with a heart to heart conversation we had.  It is one thing for someone to wish you well and offer their sympathy / empathy of challenges that I am going through. It is a whole different level for someone to listen to what you are saying, share their similar experiences and resonate on a special level.

I am totally grateful for the time he spent talking with me the other day.

Sunday, October 6, 2024


  It is not always about penetration.
It is not always about pain.
Often times simple touch
Can send an unexpecting boy
Into orbit.

      LINK: boy G

Thursday, October 3, 2024


 Monday, September 30, 2024

After the last two weeks of disappointments, (Exhibit A and Exhibit BI decide to give That Park one more try, as if I didn't torture myself enough before. 

I drive down the long parking lot near the levee.  The first set of cars I see are people that are just hanging out. Most of them look as though they may be living in their cars. It is not uncommon for the unhoused to commune in these areas. 

The only people that appear to be out are the unhoused families and the cruisers.  

I drive by the restrooms. The door is locked so I drive back down toward the entrance of the parking lot.  

As soon as I park, there is a red car that parks about three cars down from me.  I can see from a distance who's driving.  

It is a Black man.  He gets out of his car and I follow suit.  He starts walking down to the levee into the bushes.

I get a full view of what he looks like.  He's Black, dark skin, with a thin beard.  He's got a short curly fade.  He's wearing a red sports shirt and some gray jeans.  He's about 5'8" or 5'9".   He is pretty thick.  He has a nice ass and he fills those jeans well.  And he has these luscious lips; very plump and full.  This guy is built.  He looks good. 

He looks my way and I look his.  I pretty much know what the protocol is.  

He disappears deep into the bushes.  He finds a spot in this cul-de-sac of bushes that appears to be inhabited by the unhoused.  It is filthy.  It has junk all over the place and flies buzzing around.  There is cotton that looks to be torn from a mattress.  It's not the most romantic place.  Maybe I'm prissy but I immediate go yuck! 

It feels like it is going to be another one of those meh experiences but then he pulls his dick out. 
Click to continue reading


This is what "meh" looks like.

Thursday, Sept 26, 2024
About 9:00am

I said, "Will you be available tomorrow? I would love to strip you naked and fuck you until we both had enough."

"What time?"

"About 11am - 3pm."

"Sounds good Daddy."

"Good Fucking boy." I reply.

We have played before so I'm comfortable starting the chat with getting straight to business. 

I do switch between Sniffies and his personal text so It gets kind of weird. I don't know if he's confused to who I am but he spends about fifteen minutes back and forth playing this third person, "Who are you" game. I finally gave it a break with him on the text side when I received a message from him on the Sniffies app.

"I woke up with a sore throat so I think we should reschedule daddy.  It sucks so hard.  I meant to text sooner but got caught on a work call. Sorry for the late notice."

About 9:25am

Since that plan fell through, I decide to post a cruising update on the Sniffies board.  

I've been wanting to get on my knees and suck a dick for so long.  I'm just hungry for a nice, thick, hard dick in my mouth spewing its jizz down my throat. 

The post read:

"Looking to get on my knees and suck some dick. Headed to That Park."

Simple and to the point.

About 9:30am

I receive a message from a gentleman.

"Hi there.  I need my cock sucked."

"I'm headed to that park.  Is that where you are?

"I'm heading there."

He obviously reads my profile about the required face pic policy because he sends a picture right after and I did the same.

I'm so ready to meet this guy.  The description on his profile says 42, 5'10" chubby, Bicurious, Bear. 

In the picture is a good looking Asian man with a salt and pepper beard and clear reading glasses on and short dark hair.

I get to the parking lot near the river.  We spot each other out.  

I get out of the car and walk toward the levee.  He follows suit. 

After about 5 minutes or so looking for a spot, we decide for him to get in my car and pull the seat back.

He leans back and pulls down his pants.  

He lifts his shirt up and exposes smooth bear belly.  He pulls his cock up with his fingers.  

His cock is no larger than three inches hard and smaller than that soft.  If there is any illustration of what a micro penis is, it would be his. 

I'm expecting something that would actually fill my mouth.  I'm not disappointed.  I just need to figure out how to go down on him when there is not much to go down on.  Believe it or not, I make it work.

I lick his dick and twirl it around with my tongue until it gets hard. I pucker my lips and slurp up and down.  I do this with an occasional twirling of the tongue to get him moaning like crazy.  

I'm not going to lie.

I want more.  I want something in my mouth that I could feel.  But as much as I would like something more substantial for my mouth, I still perform my duty as a cocksucker to the best of my ability and he is loving it.  

He's moaning like crazy. 

That actually gave me satisfaction knowing that I am making him feel good. 

At this point I am working on getting that nut. If there is one thing that I get out of it besides the satisfaction of pleasing him, I want that cum on my taste buds. I begin to twirl and suck and twirl and suck.  Finally he blasts in my mouth.  

The ejaculation isn't forceful at all.  

Sometimes I can feel when a guy shoots.  Sometimes if I have a certain amount of saliva I won't feel it until I can taste it.

His shooting isn't forceful and there isn't a lot. but I could definitely taste it.  It's almost savory sweet.  

After he comes, he thanks me, I thank him and we go our separate ways.

Around 10:45am

I'm at home and I receive another message from Sniffles.  It's from a Black guy with a very long dick.  He don't have a face picture but he has a dick pic.

He messages me, "Wassup."

I respond with,"I want to suck that!"

"Is that right? Well, what's good?"

I respond, "So I need to travel."

"So you can host?"

That's the end of that conversation.

I am not repeating myself.


I receive a message from a guy that wants his dick sucked.  There is no face pic; just a dick pic.  

"As good as that dick look, I'm going to have to see the face."

He sends me a face pic.  He's a white guy, thin build, dark brown mustache and hair, neatly trimmed bush and a nice piece of meat. 

"Want to suck it?"

"I would love to suck that!"

He mentions that I also have a nice dick and that he would love to suck it.  I mention that I am really looking to suck dick instead of getting sucked.

"You mind if I just suck a little bit"

I agree and he gives me the address to where his work place is.  

I arrive to the building.  He lets me in.  It's like an art gallery. It is after hours but he brings me into the restroom just in case.

He unbuckles his belt, unzips his pants pulls them down and his cock flops out like a spring.  It's a long lengthy white dick almost an alabaster color. But the brown hair surrounding it is delicious looking.  I begin sucking his dick.  As I go all the way down, I can smell the musk on his crotch.  It is not strong but strong enough to let me know it is there.  It is an aroma that gets my dick wet as fuck. 

I suck no more than two minutes when he orders me up.  It is his turn to suck me.  

He begins to suck me.  It feels good but I am really wanting more of him.  Before I could get him up so we and switch, he shoots his load.  Damn! I didn't even get to taste it.  He shoots in less than a minute of him sucking my dick.

I'm a little pissed that he came especially after knowing that I wanted to get loaded.  And even worse I just want to taste it.  I reach out to get a drop and he blocks my hand. He don't even let me touch his come let alone taste it.

"You have an amazing dick.  I hope it was good for you." He says.

I smile strenuously and go on about my day. 

Within ten minutes or so of me driving,  I recieve a text from him. I pull over to read.

"Thinking about your dick got me hard again.  You should come back for round two."

"What? So you can disappoint me by denying me your cock and cum blocking me again?" I laugh out loud to myself.

Around 3:00pm

I receive a message on Sniffies from an interracial couple that I played with years ago from Scruff.

The guy in charge (Apparently of everybody) is the Black guy.

He is a good looking man.  He has dark brown skin, a shade or two darker than me. He is clean shaven with the exception of a patch of gray fuzz on his chin, a bit stocky but tone especially in his shoulders.

His partner is white, short buzz cut, pretty good looking. The white guy is more on the chubby side.

The Black partner invites me in and walks me to the room where they are playing. 

I strip down naked. I start to suck on the Black guy as his partner watches. 

"Go let him suck you." He orders to me. 

I walk to his partner and he begins to suck.

He sucks me for a very short time before his partner orders me back on his dick.  He has a nice dick. But they both seem disengaged. He orders his partner to suck me again. His partner does just for a few seconds when he tells  Black dude, that his back is hurting.  I'm not really feeling it either so I tell them I have to leave soon and then I excuse myself.

So.  I had a busy day but it was all pretty meh.

Please Read

All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.