Tuesday, September 17, 2024


It has been an extraordinary week last week. Someone I know underwent an extremely long and demanding surgery. 

I’ve always been general about anyone's health just because as a professional caregiver myself, I take personal privacy very seriously.  Honestly, it is often hard to differentiate between sharing too much information for the sake of blogging / entertainment, and personal therapy journaling. But here it is:

After years and mean years of denial, this person had to have brain surgery to remove the tumor that was basically crushing the left side of this person's brain. 

Needless to say it was very crucial that they had this surgery or be put on hospice and wait to die. 

Fortunately the surgery was a success but there is still a long way to go. They are out of ICU and making recovery. This person is being very cantankerous when it comes to care and future plans for rehab.

And then there are other factors at play such as family drama, Power Of Attorney, and their financial disaster that my sister and I have to deal with. 

Today is the first day I took a break and allowed myself to breathe. 

Just for the record my sister is a wizard when it comes to legal affairs and the processes it takes to get things accomplished correctly.  I know so many people who have to do it on their own because either no one is there or no one even has the decency to care to get involved. 

This is the caveat:

She has a lot going on with her business, she is barely making it above water, she is extremely emotional and often times she can be a bully when things aren't done her way.  

Oh, and she often makes rash decisions when she's emotional. She's already got into a big argument with this person about their plan of future care.  This person said some pretty harsh words in their state of anger that sparked her to declare being totally done with the situation leaving everything to me.

Thank goodness for the nurse reminding her this person just had major surgery on the brain.  The nurse also informed her that they had no memory of what took place and not to take what was exchanged personally.  The exact thing that I told her, but of course it took a professional doctor to remind her of this delicate state.

So, I am online doing research on what the next step will be.  She's back on.  I suggested since she's the brains, I would be the footwork.  She has also made me the one that makes the finale decisions as well as the mouthpiece to communicate with this person. So far this seems to be the smoothest route for us.  I'm still learning and doing my research just because, well...🤷🏽‍♂️

Yesterday I decided to take my laundry to the laundromat to dry since our dryer hasn’t been working for weeks and maintenance at the apartment complex is taking their own sweet time in getting it fixed. 

While waiting for the clothes to dry, I decided to open the book that I purchased from Amazon.

Dirty Dorms and Fresh Men is a compilation of stories from various writers. Today’s pick comes from J.W. Steed called Tearoom Extra Credit from the Sleazy A series of stories.

For the first time in quite a while I was able to drift into a story.  I was that fly on the wall watching as a young; Dare I say, Baby Steed was taught a great lesson from a very commanding professor only to be assigned extra credit. 

Tearoom Extra Credit is just what I needed to get me out of this funk and into the bathroom stall with Wick and the sexy professor.

Monday, September 9, 2024


 September7, 2024

I talked with my dad today.  He had to go to the hospital again this time after falling in the shower and hitting his head. He’s staying in over night just to have some tests to make sure nothing has triggered any of his preexisting conditions.

He sounded as though he was in high spirits however I could tell his voice is weak.
 I will most likely be visiting this week. I'm not looking forward to the six hour drive but It is what it is.  Believe it or not I'm not on edge like last time. I believe I am somewhat numb to the situation. I don't know if that is good or bad.  It just is.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

TODAY'S PICK: Stroke 6

Later Friday night at Gear Up Weekend,  I spent. some alone time in my tent. Here is an account of what went down from THE MASTURBATION CHRONICLES: STROKE 6

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 Friday, August 31 2024

           THE FUCK BED

I get Logan on THE SPANKING BED blindfolded.  He's propped up on his elbows, facing the wall on his belly.  

I come behind him and flick his ass with my fingers.  I do this for a few seconds as I go lower to his taint area.  He begins to moan. 

"Yeah.  C'mon baby.  Let it out.  Don't hold back," I encourage.

There is nothing sexier than the response of a sub.  I don't want to hear fake moans, meaning moans that are there just to stroke my ego.  That is inauthentic and not what I'm about.  But I can tell when a person is holding back for whatever reason.  That is what I want to come out.

That is when I encourage the sub to let go.  I am a verbal man and I want to hear what is going on in the subs mind and with his body.  

Often times if the Dom / Top is quiet, the sub will be also out of just not knowing if it is okay, hence the reason I encourage the sub to say what he wants, moan, scream, or whatever unique noises that may come out of his body.  We often spend so much time pinned up.  When you step into my domain and the door closes you are going to let all that pinned up energy out.  It is more than expected.  It's demanded.

The unique impact starts to send him.  This is exactly what the plan is.  After a few minutes I stop flicking his ass.  I lay on top of him and begin to dry hump his ass.  I gyrate my hips slowly into his as he moans and let out the unique sounds that only Logan Arrow can make.  

As I am humping him, I place my fingers in his mouth.  

"You like that?"

"Um Hm," he mutters.

"I can't hear you."

"Um Hm," he mutters louder.

"Yes Sir!" I command.

"Yes Sir!" he replies with his mouth full.

"Good boy!"

"One more, C'Mon.  You can do it."

He struggles as I put a fourth finger in his mouth.

I begin to spank him as he is going down on my hand.
Click here to continue reading

Monday, September 2, 2024


 Friday, August 31st

I received a message from Scoob. 

"Noooo…….I woke up super sick today, I’m going to get some meds to see if that helps, but I don't want to get your sick if I'm contagious.  I'll keep you updated," he said.

"Holy fuck!  Whatever the case, don't worry about it.  I will be meeting up with someone tomorrow as well, so if it doesn't happen this time it wouldn't be a totally loss.  I just want you to take care of yourself."


I get a message from Logan.

"Hey, when's today's guy coming?"

"Okay so about that.  He actually ended up texting me he's sick so tonight is open," I respond.

We agree that instead of Saturday, Logan would come Friday instead.  I would pick him up from the Antioch Bart Station. 

"I did get a box from one fudge shop and since I want to try it with others, I'm saving it.."

"Okay, I will say that I am not a big fan of chocolate or fudge.  But I will eat it occasionally."

He offers an alternative which is a cheesecake.  He shows me a picture.  

I am one of the pickiest people when it comes to food. There are certain foods that just don't agree with my taste pallet and others that don't agree with my stomach. 

"Oh fuck! Cheesecake is usually way rich for me!
Fuck!  I hate being such a special bitch!"

"Ah, I should pass on at least that?  By the way I have no idea why I feel I should bring a food gift."

"The only gift I want you to give me is that booty hole."

Logan is a lover of food tasting and trying different cuisines and restaurants.  I, on the other hand am pretty simple with my tastes. I will try different things but I somewhat know what my taste buds like.  However there have been a few delicious surprises. 


He arrives at the Bart station in Antioch.  I pick him up to go to the hotel I got in Brentwood which is about twenty minutes from the station.


We didn't get things started until this time.  We both spent time getting ready and chatting a bit.  

He pulls out his goodies in his bag and I pull out a few goodies in mine.  He chooses somewhat of a signature leather look for him which consists of the The Favorite Jockstrap I Chose The First Time We met, harness and a black leather skull cap. 

I decided not to go with my conventional uniform.  My choice is a singlet I picked up from my first Geared Up Weekend, my cock ring, My signature ball cap and shades.  Before we change into our outfits, I dig into my bag and pull out two new pup hoods that I had planned to wear for pup Scooby.  I show him the hoods that I got.  He puts one on and I put one on.  

I figure, "Why not get a picture."

I snap two shots.  Logan really takes interest in the pup hoods.  However we have both our outfits picked out for what we will wear.

"So how do we start?"

"Well, how about you get on your knees," I say with a smirk.

He gets on his knees.

"Hands behind your back."

I place the blindfold on him that he brought with him.  I put on my black leather gloves and begin to gently spank him.  I have him repeat after me The Three Different Safe Words and to let me know what color he is at.

We start out pretty late but I have a few surprises for Logan I’m sure he will enjoy.

Friday, August 30, 2024


August 30, 2024

It is Friday 6:11am.  I didn't get to bed until 12:00am this morning.  My husband and I was up watching Chicago P.D.  We don't even watch T.V. much but damn those marathons!  I have only skimmed through a few episodes in the past.  Why was the first full one I saw a hella good one with like two cliff hangers?  Holy Shit! I have to go to bed or I'm going to be a zombie in the morning.

I know.

Why not just record them.  

I did.

But for some reason I kept turning that fucker on just to watch ten more minutes.  

Finally I watched all the episodes that I would watch for the night, well morning.

Friday August 30
               6: 05am

I wake up brush my teeth get something to drink and lay back down.  I must get more rest.  I am driving into Brentwood today to meet up with Pup Scooby.  

The drive I believe is about an hour and fifteen minutes.  But it may take a bit longer with traffic.   

I am definitely going to need all the energy for tonight and this weekend.  I have some fun things in store.  Because I never reveal all my surprises, I will keep my mouth shut.  But I will say tonight, I plan on matching Scoob's Pup energy.   


I'm in real time.  I Just wanted to record to get it out of my system. Taking my ass back to bed.


Like I mentioned in my post  An Increase, usually five hook ups in a year is a good year for me.  This year has by far been one of my busiest years since my thirties when I was much more active. 

I actually enjoy being domestic, putting on my apron like June Cleaver and making sure my husband has a nice cooked meal no matter how large or small.  And though occasionally it would be nice to get a surprise meal prepared by him, HE IS FORBIDDEN to even think about it. 

I won't go into details to save the embarrassment, just understand. There is no way.

This weekend will definitely challenge me and push me physically, sexually and mentally as I have three men I will be playing with from today to Sunday.

Today, I will be meeting up with Scoob as we will be getting into various kinks.  Saturday morning till ??? I have a new guy I met through the Horse Market chat group.  I will be spending most of the time fucking him.  We never discussed any kinks therefore my assumption and plan is for unadulterated vanilla sex for a few hours.  And last but definitely not least I will be playing with Logan.

Logan really wants to explore his kinky side much more. We scratched the surface a few months ago, but I will be taking him much deeper this time.  My plan is to get him out of himself.  He is great in bed and can take a good pounding but like he mentioned himself, he is sometimes self conscious about his body, the sounds he makes when he is getting into it, and all this manifest in him holding back to a certain degree.  My mission is to break him out of that no matter how it must be done.  He will be mine.


But I know it will take time.  

We have all Saturday night and Sunday morning so,
fuck it!

I understand that this is going to stretch the living piss out of me especially taking that my sexual / kink activity level is more used to a sporadic interval.  But I definitely welcome that challenge.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 August 26, 2024

I receive a message on Telegram.  It is from a person that has seen me in one of the chat rooms I chat in.  

"Hey Daddy."

"Hi there."

He asks my location and says that he will be in my area this Friday.  

"Fuck, I'm going to be out of town this weekend."

"I will be here for the week."

I ask him about his kink interests and share some of mine.  He shows me a picture of his ass.  It's a nice looking ass.  According to his skin tone it is safe to assume he is White.  According to his pictures he has a very nice body.  He is in great shape.  But I have yet to see what his face looks like.

"Do you mind if I see a face pic?" I ask.

He knows what I look like because I currently have a face pic on my profile.  But I send him two head shots anyway.

No response.

Up until then he has been very prompt in responding. 

I know he's been online at least twice since my last message. 

After checking a few hours later, I decide to delete the pictures I sent him. I still haven't heard back from him.  

I know.  

It has only been a few hours but my theory is anyone so eager to respond to messages and then goes silent after being asked for a picture is not serious, have something to hide, or wants to eat you. And not in a good way.

I was going to delete the conversation altogether  but decided to leave it for a few days.  That is my benefit of the doubt.  Other than that, I'm good either way.

Please Read

All writings and photographs were created by Mark Greene A. K. A. Daddy Scruff and are protected by copyright unless otherwise noted. Do not use any images without consent. All men photographed were of legal age.(18+ in CA) All men appearing on this blog has given their full consent to allow Mark Greene to use their images for this blog.